We regret to inform you that New Balance Chiropractic Clinic has closed. You are invited to continue your chiropractic, massage and acupuncture care at Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic.
New Location:
Located on 112st between 104th Ave and 103rd Ave (just 3 minutes west of New Balance Chiropractic Clinic).
Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic offers direct billing, free parking, open 2 Saturdays per month. Please call 780-455-2112 to schedule your next appointment or visit Oliver’s website @ www.ocwc.ca.
Still want to see Kevin?
You can still book your massage therapy appointments with Kevin until the end of September. He is available on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. To reach Kevin for bookings after September please contact him directly at kdheard1@gmail.com.