How Chiropractic Relieves Neck Pain

If you have pain in any part of your body, it can range from uncomfortable to downright debilitating. In the case of your neck, any degree of irritation can impede your ability to function. Because of this, it is important that you learn about how chiropractic relieves neck pain so that you can find the assistance you need.

When you first visit a chiropractor, you should take along medical records that relate to your neck pain. This includes any medical history that outlines the description and symptoms of your condition by another physician. For instance, whether the pains are sharp or dull, throbbing or steady can provide valuable information to your chiropractor.

You should also make sure to get a copy of your latest x-rays. If you do not have any, that is okay because most chiropractors will either perform them on-site or refer you to a radiology clinic off-site.

Depending on the chiropractor’s approach, a typical first visit includes an initial consultation, examination and x-rays. If the chiropractor has time, he or she may go over the results of the aforementioned the same day.

However, many chiropractors prefer to study and review your case before determining if they can or cannot help you. So, even though you’re in pain, be patient for the chiropractor’s full recommendations which may not be available until the following day.

With that said, most chiropractors won’t leave you hanging. They’re compassionate to your pain. In other words, they’ll administer some form of pain relief the same day as your initial visit until a complete diagnosis is available.

During this initial waiting period, your local chiropractor may administer the following pain relief methods for neck pain:

  • Ice
  • Light soft tissue work using a topical analgesic like BioFreeze®
  • Interferential therapy, electrical stimulation and/or other physical therapy modalities
  • Heat (if the condition isn’t acute)

Additionally, your local chiropractor may make pain relief recommendations that you can use back home to help reduce your neck pain until your next visit. These typically include the proper use of ice as well as the administration of a topical analgesic like BioFreeze®.

During your subsequent visit, a detailed treatment plan will be presented to you if your chiropractor believes he or she can help correct the problem. If so, be consistent with the treatment plan your diagnosis warrants so that your neck pain is not only relieved but potentially corrected.

Remember, your local chiropractor is not only concerned about relieving your neck pain but even more concerned about finding and fixing the cause of the problem. Misalignments of the spine (aka vertebral subluxations) don’t just happen over night (unless there is some form of blunt force that caused it). So correcting these subluxations through multiple chiropractic adjustments may take time, even when the pain disappears.

Regardless, when people are experiencing neck pain, it can diminish their quality of life. It becomes difficult to perform regular tasks such as driving. Visiting a chiropractor and allowing them to treat the area is a smart choice. These professionals have undergone extensive training in their field and are capable of treating neck pain effectively. So if you or a loved one are experiencing neck pain, give us a call. We’re here to help!

5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

Neck pain is nobody’s friend, and it is definitely not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night’s sleep.

If you suffer from neck pain, the toll it takes on deep sleep isn’t news to you. What may surprise you, however, is choosing the right pillow can make a huge difference in whether you lie awake grumpily watching the clock or snuggle cozily into dream land.

A million pillow choices await you. The first order of business is determining the primary position you sleep in. Certain shapes of pillows cradle the head and neck more comfortably, depending on the sleeping position.

Now that you have determined your favorite sleeping position, you are ready to shop for a new pillow. Be certain to keep these five tips in mind before you settle on your new bed mate.

#1: Ask for a recommendation from your chiropractor.

Before selecting your new pillow, talk to the person who understands the cause of your neck pain, your chiropractor. He or she will give you some valuable pointers on choosing the pillow that will be most beneficial.

#2: Do your research.

Fire up the Internet and search for pillows by your sleeping position. Read the reviews from people who also have neck pain, and see which pillows helped them. Note the pillow name, price, and store that sells it.

#3: Think about the filling.

Pillows are filled with a variety of materials, and you will need to consider which one is right for you. Feather pillows may offer neck comfort, but if you are allergic this is the wrong choice.

Memory foam is a popular choice because of it’s ability to contour to your body’s shape. Give some thought to the type of filling that best suits your sleeping style.

#4: Consider the size.

Pillows should generally be between 4-6 inches in height, and should alleviate the pressure points around your neck and shoulders. Extra thick pillows or especially flat ones are most likely the wrong choices (again, this depends on your sleeping position).

Your size should also be considered when choosing a pillow. A large person needs a bigger pillow, while a more petite person should go with a smaller pillow. The bottom line is the pillow should provide support and comfort, and hold your neck in a neutral position.

#5: Don’t try to ‘make do’ with a budget pillow.

Pillows designed to reduce neck pain are not going to be cheap. With all the less expensive pillows available, its tempting to settle for a more modestly priced option.

Before you end up spending a smaller amount of cash on a pillow that won’t alleviate your current problem, remember the many painful nights and groggy mornings that you would have paid a ton of money just to feel good. Then open your wallet and buy the pillow that will minimize that from ever happening again. Parting with the cash won’t kill you. We promise.

Neck pain and the lack of sleep that results is a serious issue. Addressing it with a good chiropractor is the first step toward improving the situation.

Shopping for the perfect pillow is a close second in importance. By following these tips and taking the time to choose the right pillow, you will be snoozing away pain-free in no time at all!

4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sufferer

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a serious, painful nerve injury that affects many people in Canada. CTS occurs when the median nerve, which runs down a person’s forearm to his or her hand, gets compressed in the eight bones in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. Symptoms of CTS include pain and numbness of the hand and wrist. While there are a variety of treatment options available to those who are afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome up to and including surgery, chiropractic care has become a popular and effective option.

Here are four ways patients with carpal tunnel syndrome benefit from chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is documented to work on carpal tunnel syndrome.

While there are no guarantees that any one mode of treatment will work on every person, two studies have shown strong results that back the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment on CTS.

In both cases, the majority of participants showed significant improvement in several measures such as range of motion, finger sensation, and pain reduction. These studies provide evidence to people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients can feel confident in improving their symptoms when choosing to pursue a chiropractor’s care.

Chiropractors provide a less invasive treatment option.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, particularly cases that have gone undiagnosed or treated for an extended period of time, that ends up being too painful and advanced to be handled with medicine may face surgery. However, chiropractic care often helps minimize that option as a last resort. Regular visits to a chiropractor can show positive results in the controlling and healing of many of the CTS symptoms.

Chiropractic care offers an alternative to drugs to manage pain

As with surgery, daily doses of medicine may be a less than ideal plan when managing carpal tunnel syndrome. Certain patients may suffer from issues with the medicine, CTS medicines may conflict with other medication, or they may simply not want to take daily medications.

If medicinal treatment is not an attractive option, a chiropractor appointment is the next logical step. Chiropractic care often helps CTS by adjusting the patient’s elbow and spine.

Another common treatment is bracing. This technique limits the hand’s movements with the goal of allowing the wrist and tendons to heal and recover.

A chiropractor who is experienced with carpal tunnel syndrome is able to review each case individually and make solid treatment recommendations that can alleviate the patient’s dependence on managing the pain with drugs.

Allows patients to learn how to manage carpal tunnel syndrome.

Unfortunately, health problems that produce chronic pain can take a toll on the patient not only physically, but psychologically. Dealing with CTS can make a person feel powerless over their own body. Working with a chiropractor to relieve, control, and heal the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome empowers the patient to be able to feel ownership of managing and improving his or her health.

Workers who perform repetitive tasks daily as part of their job need to be especially aware of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Feeling pain, numbness, tingling, or burning in their palms or fingers may be the first symptoms of CTS. The earlier it’s diagnosed, the more effective less-invasive treatment will be.

Of all the carpal tunnel syndrome treatment choices, chiropractic care offers the dual benefits of being a highly effective treatment while still employing tactics that are not as invasive as other options. If you or a loved one are suffering from this condition, give us a call. We’re here to help!

What To Know About Probiotics and Digestive Health

What are Probiotics

Probiotics are those “good bacteria” we’ve all heard about but what are they exactly? Probiotics are live organisms that help your digestive organs work the way they are meant to.

When working properly your digestive system breaks down the food you eat into smaller compounds. These compounds are then absorbed by your digestive system for your body to use.  Left over material that was not absorbed is then regularly eliminated from your body. This is an important process.

What do Probiotics Do?

Simply put, probiotics help to create and maintain conditions that allows for efficient movement and absorption of food by the gut. Probiotics or “good bacteria” make up your gut flora. Your gut flora is made up of many different types of “good bacteria”;   there are trillions of them and they are meant to be balanced. When the balance of “good bacteria” is no longer ideal then digestive problems can occur.

Common signs of poor gut flora balance

When your gut flora is out of balance there are some common signals that your body may give, to let you know there is a problem.  These signals may be:

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn/Acid reflux
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

People with diets that are low in fruits in vegetables are more prone to have a poor balance of “good bacteria” to make up their gut flora.

In addition, people who use antibiotics can experience poor balance of “good bacteria” because the medication will kill off useful bacteria as well as bacteria that are causing illness. So, people taking antibiotics may be more prone to experience digestive problems as a side-effect of their medication. If you have taking antibiotics for infection, talk to your prescribing doctor about Probiotics to prevent digestive upset.

The best way to maintain your gut flora is to eat a diet full of vegetables and fruit.  Doing so will have so many more benefits to your health and well being on top of maintaining your gut flora.

If you do not eat a balanced diet, it will take some time to develop that habit. In this case consider using a probiotic supplement. A Probiotic supplement will help to restore and maintain your gut flora, allowing for more efficient digestive function.

Gut health is extremely important to your overall health and well being, so pay careful attention to it. At Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic our goal is for you to experience the health and well-being you are meant to.

Take care.