3 Abnormalities of the Spine that Benefit from Consistent Chiropractic Care

The spine are comprised of vertebrae, small bones that are stacked on top of each other with impact cushioning discs between each one. These bones act as joints, allowing the spine to bend and twist in a variety of ways. However, it is not intended to be naturally bent, twisted, or curved. The natural state of a healthy spine is somewhat straight with slight curves running front to back so that a side view would reveal them. They gently curve, sloping slightly inward at the small of the back, and again slightly at the neck. The pull of gravity, combined with body movement, can put a great deal of stress on the spine and these slight curves help absorb some of the impact.

Viewing the spine from the back, you should see something completely different – a spine that runs straight down, top to bottom with no side to side curves. This doesn’t always happen though. Sometimes there are abnormalities of the spine and it causes a misalignment of the natural curvatures or some curvatures may be exaggerated. These unnatural curvatures of the spine are characterized by three health conditions called lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis.

Three different conditions for three different types of spinal curvatures

Each of these three spinal curvature disorders affects a certain area of the spine in a very specific way.

  • Hyper or Hypo Lordosis – This spinal curvature disorder affects the lower back, causing the spine to curve inwards or outwards significantly.
  • Hyper or Hypo Kyphosis – This spinal curvature disorder affects the upper back, causing the spine to bow, resulting in that area rounding or flattening abnormally.
  • Scoliosis – This spinal curvature disorder can affect the entire spine, causing it to curve sideways, forming a C or S shape.

What are the symptoms of spinal curvature disorders?

Each type of curvature exhibits its own set of symptoms. While some symptoms may overlap, many are unique to the specific curvature disorder.

  • Lordosis
    • A “swayback” appearance where the buttocks stick out or are more pronounced.
    • Discomfort in the back, typically in the lumbar region
    • When lying on a hard surface on the back, the lower back area does not touch the surface, even when attempting to tuck the pelvis and straighten the lower back.
    • Difficulty with certain movements
    • Back pain
  • Kyphosis
    • A curve or hump to the upper back
    • Upper back pain and fatigue after sitting or standing for long periods (Scheuermann’s kyphosis)
    • Leg or back fatigue
    • The head bends far forward instead of being more upright
  • Scoliosis
    • Hips or waist are uneven
    • One shoulder blade is higher than the other
    • Person leans to one side

What are the causes of spinal curvature disorders?

Many different health issues can cause the spine to become misaligned or to form a spinal curvature. Each of the spinal conditions mentioned is affected by different conditions and situations.

  • Lordosis
    • Osteoporosis
    • Achondroplasia
    • Discitis
    • Obesity
    • Spondylolisthesis
    • Kyphosis
  • Kyphosis
    • Arthritis
    • Tumors on or in the spine
    • Congenital kyphosis (abnormal development of the vertebrae while the person is in utero)
    • Spina bifida
    • Scheurmanns disease
    • Spine infections
    • Osteoporosis
    • Habitual slouching or poor posture

Scoliosis is still a bit of a mystery to doctors. They are not certain what exactly causes the most common form of scoliosis that is typically seen in children and adolescents. Some of the causes that they have pinpointed include:

  • Hereditary, it has a tendency to run in families
  • Infection
  • Birth defect
  • Injury

Chiropractic for spinal curvature disorders

Spinal manipulations for spinal curvature disorders have been shown to be very effective. Chiropractic helps restore the spine’s natural balance even if the patient has one of these types of conditions.

There are screenings available for both children and adults to identify any spinal curvatures in their early stages through your chiropractor. Early detection of these disorders is crucial in identifying them before they become too serious.

To learn more about our office, check out www.ocwc.ca

Why Chiropractic Works Well Against Joint Pain

As seasons change, you may notice some pain in your joints. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help. When most people hear “chiropractic care” they usually think of spinal problems and back pain. While this is true, chiropractic can treat conditions other than pain in the joints of the spine. It can be used for joints all over the body, including ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, and wrists. It is a natural, whole body approach to health care and wellness as a very effective way to manage chronic joint pain such as arthritis, or join pain due to injury.

What Causes Joint Pain and Immobility?

There are several reasons that a joint may become painful and immobile. Injury or trauma to the joint, such as a fall, being hit while playing sports, or being involved in a car accident, can cause injury. Micro trauma occurs due to a repetitive use injury such as working on an assembly line or using a computer all day, can also cause damage resulting in pain.

Sometimes an inflammatory diet can cause problems and stress can also certainly be a factor. Stress affects the entire body, including its chemicals and hormones that can lead to joint damage or weakness, making you more prone to injury.

Finally, age may be a factor. As we get older, our bodies don’t hold up like they once did. This can mean joint pain and decreased range of motion. The colder months can instigate pain in the major joints, including the knees, back, hips, and shoulders.

Why does Cold Weather Exacerbate Joint Pain?

The short answer to this is that researchers aren’t really sure. One of the most popular theories is that low pressure systems typically accompany the cooler temps. The lower pressure can cause the tissues in already sensitive joints to expand, creating a perfect environment for inflammation including aches, tenderness, decreased range of motion, and swelling.

Other factors that may also affect joint pain in cooler weather are low level dehydration, a sedentary lifestyle, and depression or “the blues.” Low level dehydration is more common than you may think; most people do not have adequate water intake.

Sodas don’t count as hydration and this can be a real problem. Generally, people don’t hydrate as much when the weather is cool – or not as much as they did during the warm summer months.

When the weather cools down people become less active, especially if there is snow and ice on the ground. Lack of exercise can lead to serious joint troubles.

Depression can also impact your entire body, including your joints. Many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Doctors believe that it occurs because of the shorter days and generally darker skies during the winter months. Depression and anxiety have strong ties to chronic pain as a whole, including joint pain.

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Joint Pain

Chiropractic provides an all-natural, holistic approach to health care and pain management. It does not use medications or invasive medical procedures.

The chiropractor usually begins by aligning the spine, which is called an “adjustment.” This brings the body back into alignment so that it can function more efficient and with less pain. The patient may also be given recommendations on lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, exercise, and supplements.

When the body is aligned, the entire system is balanced. This allows the body to work at a more optimal rate. As a result, the range of motion improves and the pain is decreased or even completely eliminated.

To learn more about our office. visit www.ocwc.ca