massages benefits types

The Most Popular Massages

Recently, massages have become more and more popular. The reason for this is that massages provide every person with endless relaxation and comfort. Even though, there are many different types of massages available, each one is suited for every person’s individual needs. With so many massages, it is important to know the most popular ones.

1. Deep Tissue Massages
Similar to its name, the target of the deep tissue massage is to get into the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissues so the muscle knots can be untied. The massage therapist will use friction or slow strokes on top of your muscles to relieve pains. This massage focuses on fixing postural issues, repetitive strain, injuries, and painful/tight muscles. The pressure used in this massage therapy is much more intense compared to the others, but it does not cause pain or discomfort. If you are someone who has chronic pains, troubles moving, or injuries, you are the best candidate.

2. Swedish Massages
At spas, clinics, gyms, and wellness centers, the Swedish massage is the most popular kind of massage. The goal of this massage is to use longer strokes so it can focus on healing certain pains of your body. The 5 strokes used in this massage are friction (small circular motions), tapotement (percussion), effleurage (smooth long strokes), petrissage (rolling, kneading, lifting), and vibration (shaking and rocking movements). This massage is ideal because it releases tensions from your entire body.

3. Aromatherapy Massages
Aromatherapy massage is a modified version of the Swedish massage because this massage uses essential oils. These essential oils are extracted from flowers or plant parts and they are known to have healing powers. For example, rose and lavender oils have the ability to relax your body. Even though every single oil has its own properties, there is a chance that the massage therapist has a pre-blended oil that will provide you with uplifted feelings and energized.

4. Hot Stone Massages
This form of massage uses warm (slightly hot) stones to relieve pains. The massage therapist will place smooth, somewhat hot stones on the painful parts of your body while massaging you. The stones used in this massage are basalt (these are volcanic rocks that preserve heat). The warmth preserved in these stones have the ability to loosen your tight muscles while the massage therapist is massaging your body.
However, if you are suffering from issues like varicose veins, heart diseases, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you will need to talk to your doctor before getting a massage. Similarly, if you are taking any mediation that may be thinning your blood, you will need to consult your doctor again.

These are the top 4 massages that are popular all around the world. If you have never opted for a massage, make sure you opt for the most popular ones.

Our clinic is home to 3 of the best massage therapists in the city. If you or someone you know are in the market for a quality massage, give us a call at (780)455-2112 to book your appointment today! Visit to learn more about our therapists.

Gut health nutriton tips

Healing the Gut – 5 Foods to Help with Digestion

The digestive system, also known as the gut is a delicate system of crucial organs that help in food digestion and fighting off diseases. The stomach, a part of the gut system  that secretes important enzymes and acids to disinfect our food and absorb essential nutrients while protecting your body from harmful diseases and infections.

A bad or leaky gut is the single-most important cause of just about any problem in the body. Acne is a common upshot of inner inflammation and an excess of bad bacteria. It’s safe to say that healing the gut ultimately heals every illness. Serving as a building block to your health and well being, our digestive system is extremely sensitive. Any food that offsets its balance can cause the body to develop gastrointestinal problems, eventually aggravating to worse health issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Alternatively, eating nutritious food in the right amount while making sure your meals are digested properly can create a healthy environment for the gut to function.

Here are 5 extremely healthy, warming foods that work to stimulate digestion

1.    Steamed Veggies

Cut up some colorful vegetables and lightly steam them in a little garlic and butter. You can have a bowl alongside a light meal or on its own. Beetroot, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, and butternut squash are good sources of antioxidants and nutrients that help the gut digest food faster. They can also increase nutrition absorption. You may even bake and pan-roast the veggies to enhance the taste.

2.    Oatmeal Porridge

A traditional breakfast dish, a delicious warm bowl of oatmeal can improve your digestive health. The gut bacteria cause the oats to ferment and improve the microbial health of the body. Oatmeal is rich in essential proteins, vitamins, fibers, and phytochemicals that helps remove toxins from the gut.

Sprinkle a few chia and flax seeds along with a little bit of maple syrup for a wholesome breakfast meal.

3.    Miso Soup

A Japanese stock, Miso soup is incredibly rich in probiotics necessary to encourage good bacteria in the gut. As a fermented food, Miso produces healthy enzymes for easier digestion. Your intestinal flora can benefit greatly because the probiotics help synthesize essential vitamins like B12 and boost metabolism. However, because it’s extremely salty, you should consume no more than 6g daily. You can ideally choose from white, yellow, and red Miso that’s rich in flavor and color.

4.    Lemon Water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water and honey on an empty stomach reaps many benefits. With whopping amounts of vitamin C, lemons also contain a fiber called pectin that serves as a food for the gut bacteria. Lemon is a good source of probiotics as well that helps improve the microbial ecosystem of our body.

5.    Almonds and Walnuts

While eaten on their own they are just as delicious, you can also crush a few almonds and walnuts and sprinkle them over your oatmeal porridge. By encouraging beneficial gut bacteria in the body, these dry fruits strengthen intestinal health.

It’s time to ditch fast-foods and allow your gut to heal with these delicious, warming foods.

For a more detailed approach to maintaining a healthy gut, give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 or visit to book with our Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant- Alicia Miller. Lifestyle changes are the best!


fitness trackers benefits chiropractic

What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Fitness Trackers

Exercise is usually a great compliment to chiropractic treatment. In fact, many chiropractors recommend regular exercise to their patients. It helps with pain management and speeds healing as well as give your mood a healthy, natural boost. Where does fitness trackers come in?

Fitness trackers are a popular workout tool that helps people set fitness goals, track their progress, and get healthier. How can they help chiropractic patients though? What can they offer that patients will get more out of their treatments? Find out what you need to know about chiropractic and fitness trackers.

It takes more than the tech to get you fit.

All the flashy, high tech bells and whistles in the world won’t roll you out of bed in the morning and place you on the treadmill. No fancy wristband will get you up and moving, getting exercise and getting fit. The tech is cool. It is fun and exciting, but it won’t get you fit. Only you can do that.

So if you are getting a fitness tracker with the belief that it is going to be some kind of fitness magic bullet, that just won’t happen. It is great as a fitness buddy, a tool, a nifty gadget that may help motivate you and help you achieve your fitness goals. In the end, though, you are the one driving that car. You are in control.

Is a fitness tracker for you?

There are so many fitness trackers on the market with an almost endless list of features. Finding the one that is right for you, or if you could even benefit from a fitness tracker takes a bit of research. Look for features that work for you and the activities you will be pursing.

For instance, if you enjoy water-based fitness activities you might want a waterproof model. There are also data limits, screen sizes (or no screen at all), heart rate tracking options, and whether you want a clip on tracker or one that straps on your wrist.

Before making your purchase, take some time to research all of the features that are available to you then decide what you like and what features would best help you meet your fitness goals.

How to get the most out of your fitness tracker.

Once you have your fitness tracker you will want to make a plan to ensure that you get the most out of it. Try these tips to make your fitness tracker work its best for you.

Identify clear cut goals. When you begin your fitness quest, the first thing you need to do is know where you want to go with it. It is a good idea to record your stats at the beginning and then update them every month or so. This will let you see how many more steps you are taking, how much weight you’ve lost, or whatever else you wish to accomplish.

Set attainable benchmarks. Benchmarks help you along as you work toward your goal. The key is setting them so that they are attainable but still present a bit of a challenge. If weight loss is your key, you might set benchmarks for every two months. For fitness goals, you may set benchmarks for a certain number of steps in a given time or a certain number of workouts each week. When you reach a benchmark, celebrate a little.

Wear it on your non-dominant wrist. The Journal, Medical and Science in Sports and Exercise published a study that revealed participants who wore fitness trackers on their wrists throughout the day found that they were more accurate when worn on the non-dominant wrist. The theory is that the non-dominant wrist moves less, giving a more accurate reading.

Calibrate your tracker to match your stride. Not everyone has the same stride. You may be very tall or very short; you might take longer strides or time steps. Whatever the case, you’ll get the most out of your fitness tracker by calibrating your stride. Most trackers will provide instructions for doing the calibration. It is well worth taking the time to complete it.

Incorporate other apps to boost your fitness efforts. Many fitness trackers will recommend other apps that can help you meet your goals and you can sync them to your tracker. However, you can also look for apps on your own that can help. There are so many different fitness apps out there from food tracking to apps that use your phone’s GPS to provide more accurate measurements on your runs, walks, or bike rides.

The more fit you are the better your chiropractic treatments will typically work. Fitness trackers can help you reach your goals and get the most out of your chiropractic care.

Visit for more health information and fitness tips in our various blogs!

massage therapy

How to Make the Most of Your Massage

The reason why individuals opt for a massage session is so that they can get maximum benefits out of it. However, with a few mistakes made during the session, sometimes it becomes hard to get the most benefits out of this therapy. To make things easier for you, here are the ways you can get the most out of your massage.

1.      Be open

When you go in for your massage, it is important to be as open as possible. You need to be communicating with your massage therapist so you can let him/her know what to do. During the entire massage therapy, make sure you are being open and not holding any thoughts back if you want the most out of your massage.

2.      Eat in Advance

It is important to eat at least 2 hours before your massage session because you need to let your body digest the food. If you have not digested the food properly, the pressure you apply will feel uncomfortable no matter what the intensity is.

3.      Be on Time

To get the most out of your massage session, you need to make sure you are getting there on time. If you get there in a rushed state, it will take longer for you to relax. But if you get there on time, you will be more relaxed resulting in great massage.

4.      Communicate

It is important to communicate with your massage therapist. Before the session begins, you need to let your massage therapist know about health information, what you expect out of this massage and the reason why you are getting it. You must let him/her know about any allergies you may have to lotions, powders, or oils so there is no irritation on your skin. If you prefer the music to be on, let your therapist know what type of music you prefer, but if it is bothering you, then ask him/her to turn it off. If you feel any sort of discomfort throughout the course of your massage, make sure you are letting the therapist know so they can be more careful in the future. When the session is over, you need to give your therapist feedback. Let them know any details related to the speed of their hand movements, pressure, anything that did not feel good. Do not feel hesitant in discussing any concerns with your therapist.

5.      Facilitate Your Breath

No matter what type of massage you are getting, it is important to facilitate your breathing. People tend to stop breathing properly during their massage, and that is not good. It makes them anxious and tenses the muscles. With tensed muscles and disturbed breathing, there is no way you will be able to get the most out of your massage session.

All these tips will make sure you are getting the most out of a single massage session, but to get the most benefits, you will need to opt for regular massages. If you’re looking for quality, professional massage therapy service, give our office @ call @ 780-455-2112. Check us out at

thyroid function

5 Tips To Help Support Low Thyroid Function

When it comes to managing your thyroid function there is no one magic bullet. Low thyroid function affects everyone in different ways. Low thyroid function is linked to an array of symptoms like :

  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.
  • Weight gain
  • difficulty losing weight.
  • Coarse, dry hair.
  • Hair loss.
  • Dry skin.
  • Cold temperature intolerance
  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches.

If you or someone you know is suffering from low thyroid function, here are 5 tips to consider.

1.Digestive Habits Improve Thyroid Function

Have good digestive habits like chewing thoroughly and not being distracted while eating. Support the break down of food in your stomach by drinking lemon water. Proteins, vitamins and mineral are broken down for absorption in the stomach.

You may not think to start with looking at your digestion when dealing with low thyroid function, but this is the first place you should start. If you not absorbing important vitamins and minerals that your thyroid needs this can be a major underlying reason your thyroid function is low.

2. Protein & Fats Improve Thyroid Function

Protein is very important for our thyroid function and overall health.  Bone broth and salmon are two great sources of protein if you are experiencing low thyroid function.

Eat healthy fats, we have all heard this, but it really is a basic to health. Our bodies can become overwhelmed by polyunsaturated fats and oils that can interfere with our inflammation and hormonal responses in the body. These imbalances in fat can have a direct impact on our thyroid health. Food sources of omega 3 fatty acids and other health fats are, avocados, fish and Chia Seeds. 

3. Cutting out gluten Improves Thyroid Function

There is a strong link between both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease with gluten intolerance.

Reducing or eliminating gluten can be quite difficult for many people. Once gluten has been eliminated from the diet it can take up to six months to have the desired effect our immune systems. That is why gluten elimination should last at least 3 to 6 months

4. Iodine Absorption Improves Thyroid Function

Getting enough Iodine is a good place to start. Great food sources include from fish, sea vegetables and sea salt to the diet on a weekly basis.

Some foods inhibit the absorption of iodine. Foods with this property are called goitrogens. If the problem is low thyroid function then it may be useful to avoid or limit goitrogens in our diets. Examples of foods that act like goitrogens are soy, millet, flax, peanuts, caffeine and canola

The following foods are also goitrogrens. Consider cooking or steaming all foods on this list as cooking breakdown the goitrogens: (all dark leafy green vegetables) spinach, arugula, broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, collards, kohlrabi, mustard greens, bok choy, brussels sprouts, turnips, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, sauerkraut, kimchi, horse radish

Many pesticides used to grow our food also can inhibit iodine absorption. Reduce pesticides by buying organic, properly cooking foods and washing all fruits and vegetables thoroughly. A great resource is to look up the dirty dozen and clean fifteen for a list of what to buy organic. If you are on a tight budget consider buying organic for any animal-based products.

5. Lifestyle tips Habits Improve Thyroid Function

Get adequate sleep because lack of sleep puts stress on the body. Usually somewhere between 7 to 8 hours per night is best.

Exercise moderately. Both no exercise and excessive exercise are hard on the thyroid gland. Many people with low thyroid function will report continued weight gain. This can be frustrating resulting in a lack of motivation to continue exercising.

No exercise is not healthy on the body but over exercising with low thyroid function can be stressful on the body as well. Consider activities such as yoga, dance or movement classes to keep on track. As you continue to balance your thyroid function you can add more exercise or movement into your life.

Meditation and deep breathing have been shown to help balance the thyroid and adrenal glands. As a meditation and yoga teacher I had to add this in. We often don’t take time to listen to our bodies signals and if we take couple moments each day to listen to ourselves, we may be surprised by how our bodies are sending us the information we need to help ourselves. Only you can listen to yourself in this way, don’t make your body have to send you big signs where you must listen.

Do something you enjoy every day. Take a bubble bath, read, go for a walk. Whatever you enjoy! Don’t deny yourself, we only experience this moment once so enjoy it whenever you can.

If you’re interested in a helping hand give our office a call @ 780-455-2112 and our staff will find a time for you to meet me, Alicia Miller, Holistic Nutritional Consultant. Checkout our website @ to learn more about my services.

Alicia Miller, Holistic Nutritional Consultant, Yoga Instructor

acupuncture benefits points

Acupuncture Points You Should Know

Acupuncture has become a form of therapy that allows individuals to release energies from within their bodies so all pains can be released by targeting specific points. Regardless of what an individual’s age may be, he or she can gain the most benefits out of this therapy. For this reason, it is important for people to opt for this therapy, as there are no side effects!

The best part is that there are only five acupressure points for you to focus on. To apply pressure for yourself on these points, you do not need to have in depth knowledge about acupressure or acupuncture; you just need to know where the point is located and what symptoms you can fight  by having acupressure done.

How Is Acupressure Done

You need to deeply press the point for at least 2 to 3 minutes or until you begin to feel strong sensations. Sometimes, individuals feel warmth when the point releases energy in the energy channels (meridians) that is then directed to the rest of your body.

When this warmth takes over your body, it means you are doing it right!

1.     LI 4 (Large Intestine 4) – Common pain point

This point is connected with the face and head, which is why it helps with sinus problems, toothaches, and headaches. Since this point is powerful, it must not be done on pregnant women as it can stimulate contractions. However, if you are not pregnant and are suffering from pains, then you can use this point and calm your pains without having to resort to medication.


  • Constipation
  • Neck pains
  • Sinus infections
  • Headaches
  • Toothaches
  • Migraines
  • Red/swollen eyes
  • Pains on your entire body

Location: The webbing between your index finger and thumb

2.     PC 6 (Pericardium 6) – Common calming point

This point is the best point to help calm an anxious person.


  • Opens up and relaxes the chest: palpitations, asthma, angina
  • Nervousness
  • Poor memory
  • Nausea, motion sickness, seasickness
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Poor memory
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

Location: In the wrist in between two tendons that are up from the wrist

3.     Taiyang – Common headache and stress relief point

This is another point that will help relieve pains all over your body.


  • Toothaches
  • Dizziness
  • One sided headaches
  • Migraines
  • Facial paralysis
  • Sinus issues

Location: The crease below and away from the eyebrow

4.     LV3 (Liver 3) – Common pain and stress relief

This point is beneficial in eliminating pain and stresses from your body.


  • Eyes issues – pain, redness, swelling, or blurred vision
  • Genital issues
  • Calming point
  • Canker sores, headaches, dizziness
  • Menstrual issues
  • Digestive issues

Location: The webbing between the big toe and second toe (between two tendons)

5.     GB 20 (Gallbladder 20) – Common point for flu, cough, and cold


  • Twitching, numbness, vertigo, paralysis, tremors, dizziness
  • Throat, face, and “sense organ help”
  • Eye issues
  • Hypertension
  • Fevers and chills
  • Stiff neck
  • All issues related to the head
  • Headaches that occur at the back of the head

Location: Back of the head, below the skull bone, on either side of the spine


You can apply pressure on these points at home or ask an acupuncturist to do so! Simply by incorporating it in your life will allow you to live a healthy life!

Our clinic is home to some of the best registered therapists in town. Give us a call at (780)455-2112 to schedule your appointment today! Visit to learn more about our therapists or to book online.


facet syndrome pain

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain From Facet Syndrome

Facet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are many treatments that are used, but most mainstream medical treatments involve pain medication which can have undesirable side effects and may even lead to addiction.

Chiropractic is a proven, reliable treatment for relieving the pain and discomfort of facet syndrome. It helps restore mobility and flexibility while providing pain relief. Some patient notice significant relief from the pain and inflammation of this condition with chiropractic treatment and it is often recommended to facet syndrome patients.

What is facet syndrome?

Facet syndrome is the result of an injury to the facet joints. Zygapophyseal joints, or facet joints reside at the posterior of the spine. At each level there are two joints, one on each side of the spine.

The facet joints are enclosed in a joint capsule. They are synovial joints so the capsule contains synovial fluid. The surface of the joints is covered with hyaline cartilage.

Other joints, such as the ankle, contain this type of cartilage covering. These joints are constructed in this way due to their role in the body – to control excessive or extensive movement. This would include hyper extension and rotation. By doing so they help to stabilize the spine.

Facet syndrome occurs when there is an injury to the facet joints. There are numerous causes, but basically, it is a sprain that is brought about by excessive movement.

This damages the joint capsule and the result is inflammation, swelling, and pain. The pain triggers a protective mechanism in the spine called a reactive muscle spasm which causes great difficulty in moving comfortable and severe, sudden pain.

It is difficult to rest the back because of its integral function in supporting the entire body. A severe sprain can take weeks to heal, typically 2 to 6 weeks. This means that the pain and lack of mobility is impacting you on a daily basis. It can be very difficult to pursue day to day activities and enjoy your typical lifestyle.

Chiropractic for facet syndrome

Chiropractic care is a proven, effective treatment for facet syndrome. When you visit your chiropractor, he or she will conduct a physical exam, discuss your medical history, and may send you for diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Once they have a clear picture of your condition and a facet syndrome diagnosis has been confirmed, they will discuss with you a recommended course of treatment that may include:

  • Exercise – they will recommend specific exercises to help relieve the pain and strengthen the muscles in the back so that they can better support the spine.
  • Posture – posture is extremely important in spinal health and overall wellness. Your chiropractor will help you achieve good, healthy posture and give you exercises to do at home to help you maintain good posture and retrain your body to have better posture.
  • Heat or cold therapy – heat wraps and hot showers or ice packs and cold pad applications may be recommended to help control pain.
  • Changes in activities – you may be advised to take frequent breaks if you sit at a desk all day or to shorten your commute. There may be some activities that you won’t be able to do for a while – or won’t be able to do for long periods of time until your back heals.
  • Chiropractic treatment – spinal manipulation is the most common chiropractic treatment for facet syndrome. Your chiropractor may include other types of treatments though, depending on your specific condition and lifestyle.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and drug free way to treat facet syndrome, relieve back pain, and help you regain your mobility. Talk to your chiropractor about your treatment options for facet syndrome.

If you or someone you know might be suffering from severe back pain, give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 and our staff will be happy to help. Visit for more information about us!

flu season cold winter

5 Nutritious Foods to Stay Healthy During Cold Season

Everyone dreads the seasonal flu that comes along in winters. A Cold can slow down and weaken your immune system. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent them and even to gain strength and heal quickly.

Consuming the following nutritious foods is a good way to keep the cold at bay.

Warm Foods
No one can say no to a cup of hot cocoa on chilly mornings. There are many benefits of including warm foods in your diet. During cold season when your metabolism slows down, consuming warm foods can help you store up more energy in your body.
Steaming hot foods like soups, broths, and stews also help nasal congestion and can resolve blocked sinuses overtime. Home-cooked meals like porridges and baked casseroles are not only nutritious but leave your kitchen smelling lovely.
Ginger tea is especially good for the flu season as it soothes the throat, eases congestion, and promotes blood flow. Warm cacao milk is rich in calcium and a healthy alternative to sugary chocolate. You can also try making a golden turmeric latte with a pinch of cinnamon for an immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory drink.

Healthy Fats
Eating fats during cold season keeps you warm and insulated. But they have a bigger purpose than just insulation because fats help your body absorb key vitamins like A, D, E, and K. A lack of vitamin D naturally weakens your immunity so you become more susceptible to illnesses.
Healthy fats like nuts, fish, tofu, and roasted meat are good additions in your diet to quickly heal from flu and stay fit. A teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil daily is good tonic to ward off seasonal flu and enhance immunity.

Hydrating Foods
During winters, because the appetite slows down you may not eat much and as a result forget to hydrate yourself as well. Cold seasons are usually spent lazing away in your bed hence even pouring yourself a glass of water may seem like an effort.
Therefore, it’s important to eat foods that are rich in water content to keep you hydrated during flu season. Having sweet juicy fruits, warm milk, and teas are good sources to retain moisture in the body even when you’re not drinking enough water. You can trade coffee with hot cider – an alkaline drink that works to kill viruses and bacteria in the body.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C
Lemons and oranges that are packed with Vitamin C are natural immune-boosting foods to fight flu and colds. You should ideally include citrus fruits like kiwi, tangerines, and pomegranates in your diet for a healthy diet.
Having warm lemon water with a teaspoon of honey can significantly reduce the length of a cold. Take them with foods that are high in folate like eggs, legumes, and leafy greens to effectively treat colds.

Foods Abundant in Zinc
Seafood is a good source of zinc. Eating wild salmon, oysters, and red meat from time to time can strengthen your immunity overtime and protect you against seasonal flu. Oatmeals, baked beans, and almonds are not just high in zinc but are equally warming for your body.

Start adding these foods to your diet right now to ensure that your immune system is ready to take on the challenges that come with colder weather.

Visit for more helpful nutritional tips. Thanks for reading and keep warm!


How Chiropractic Benefits Those That Suffer From Migraine Headaches

If you have ever had a migraine before then you know that it is much more than a simple headache. The symptoms of a migraine can be debilitating, lasting hours and even days. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, it is the eighth most disabling disease in the world.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine headaches are extremely difficult to treat and even more difficult to control. This is mainly due to the fact that doctors still don’t know exactly what causes it. This leaves it undiagnosed in many patients and often terribly under-treated in those with a diagnosis.

The best many doctors seem to be able to do is prescribe pain medication that has undesirable side effects in an effort to manage the symptoms. However, chiropractic has been shown in several studies to not only effectively manage the pain of migraines, it also helps stop and prevent them.

Anatomy of a Migraine Headache

There are two types of migraines, those with an aura and those without an aura. An aura can appear up to an hour before the onset of a migraine. It is a warning sign that usually presents as a disturbance that is either visual or olfactory. The person may see flashes of light or smell particular odors before the headache begins. About one in six migraines are preceded by an aura.

Once the migraine itself begins, the pain is typically on one side of the head, although this is not always the case. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to smell. Some patients experience an inability to concentrate, hot or cold flashes, stiffness in neck or shoulders, slurred speech, loss of coordination, and in rare cases, loss of consciousness.

The migraine can last several minutes, hours, or even days. Afterwards the patient may feel fatigued or washed out. They may be unable to concentrate and either lethargic or extremely energetic.

Studies Show: Chiropractic as a Migraine Treatment

There have been several clinical studies on chiropractic as a treatment for migraine headaches. The results of one study reported that 22 percent of patients who received chiropractic treatment for their migraines reported that their attacks were reduced by more than 90 percent. Additionally, 49 percent reported that the intensity of their migraines was significantly reduced.

Another study randomly assigned people with migraine headaches several different treatments. One group was given Elavil, a daily medication, another group was given chiropractic treatment and a third group received a combination of the two treatments. The results showed that chiropractic was as effective in reducing migraines as the medication and it had fewer side effects. Other studies have also found that chiropractic is as effective as medication for the treatment and prevention of migraine or tension headaches.

Chiropractic for Migraines Headaches

Spinal adjustments are very effective as a treatment for migraines. The whole body approach of chiropractic also utilizes dietary recommendations, including foods to avoid, as well as lifestyle changes.

The patient may be counselled on managing stress, advised to engage in exercise, and given supplements. The treatments may be used to reduce the pain and severity of a migraine once it begins or it can be used to prevent migraines and reduce their frequency.

Chiropractic is a safer treatment with fewer side effects than prescription medications. Chiropractic is quickly becoming the treatment of choice for many migraine sufferers. As the studies show, it works!

So if you or a loved one suffer from migraines, give us a call. Our Doctors of Chiropractic are here to help! (780)455-2112 or visit to learn more about our clinic.

acupuncture benefits start edmonton

5 Reasons to Start Acupuncture Today

Acupuncture therapy is a popular alternative to medicine that helps individuals release pains of all sorts without any side effects. However, when people think about fine needles being inserted into their bodies, they get hesitant in getting it done. The common thought related to this alternative medicine is “it is extremely painful and useless,” whereas it is the opposite.

We have the top reasons why you should start acupuncture today!

1.    Acupuncture Promotes Ultimate Relaxation

In today’s world, being in the state of ultimate relaxation seems like a far fetch thought. It is impossible to feel “unstressed” because individuals claim that they do not have sufficient amount of time for their families, work, or even themselves. Because of this, they tend to start getting chronically stressed, which causes endless damages to their bodies. In this case, the best thing to do is opt for acupuncture because it has the ability to calm the nervous system while it promotes feelings of serenity and relaxation. Individuals that get acupuncture done tend to fall into a deep and peaceful sleep afterwards.

2.    Acupuncture Helps You Get the Best Sleep

Almost 10% of the United States population suffers from insomnia (difficulty in falling or staying asleep). When a person is sleep deprived, quality of life begins to go downhill, which then begins to affect their health. Although, the common resort for many people would be sleeping pills, it is important to understand that these pills can be seriously detrimental to you. They form habits that lead to eccentric sleeping behaviors like sleep eating and walking and long term cognitive decline. Therefore, the best (and safe) resort would be acupuncture. It treats the roots that cause insomnia and leads to better health overall.

3.    Acupuncture can Treat Headaches

Those that suffer from headaches know how crippling they can be. Many individuals that suffer from chronic headaches are under the supervision of neurologists and go through conventional medical treatments for these pains yet do not seem to heal successfully. Luckily, acupuncture is known as the best therapy for treating headaches. Most commonly, people that suffer from headaches are the ones that opt for acupuncture because of the promising results. With the help of regular sessions, the severity and frequency of headaches lessens as well.

4.    Acupuncture Treatments Improves the Mood

Mood disorders like depression and anxiety tend to negatively influence the life of the person that is suffering from them. Although, there are many medications that are known to manage the symptoms of these disorders, in the long term, they do not seem to be safe. Whereas, acupuncture therapy is an effective and safe way of treating these mood disorders and improving the overall mood. People that see an acupuncturist on a regular basis feel a decrease in their depression and anxiety levels while happy moods are heightened.

5.    Acupuncture can Boost the Functions of the Immune System

Chinese medicine believes the “Wei Qi” is a protective energy barrier that is supposed to keep an individual healthy and it is supposed to strengthen the immune system so it protects us from pathogens. Chinese herbs and acupuncture are effective in making the “Wei Qi” stronger so it can prevent diseases while eliminating pathogens from the body for a speedy recovery. If an individual ingests Chinese herbs along with seeing an acupuncturist, they can treat issues like flues, colds, and respiratory disorders.


These are the top 5 reasons why you should see an acupuncturist today. If you want to lead a life that is healthy, acupuncture is the answer.

Give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 to book with our registered therapist. For further information visit .