acupuncture improves life

How Acupuncture Treatment Can Improve Your Life

Acupuncture treament has become a popular health improvement for many people because of how safe and effective it is for people of all ages. The best part is that acupuncture treatment has benefits that are known to make your quality of life better. Despite your gender or health status, all people can get the benefits from this practice and improve their life on a daily basis.

Here is how acupuncture treatment can improve your life on a daily basis:

Feeling Happier Without a Reason

The insertion of fine needles will release endorphins (these are the “natural feel-good” chemicals) in your body. Some people feel so relaxed that they tend to fall asleep while during their treatment , while others feel “euphoric” afterwards. These effects occur due to the  release of oxytocin (this hormone is known to regulate the nervous system).

Improve Your Sleep

Some acupuncture points are known to “relieve insomnia” and promote better sleep. Some Individuals who suffer from insomnia or disturbed sleep know the effects of poor sleep impacts their everyday lives. Acupuncture treatments along with lifestyle modifications can help improve the quality of your sleep.

Strengthen the Immune System

Many people talk about how they are prone to catching colds and flues. Acupuncture  treatments are known to strengthen your protective qi (wei qi) so your body can combat invading pathogens. Studies have proven that acupuncture can increase the production of white blood cells causing it to protect itself from bacterium and viruses.

Relieve Chronic Pains

Acupuncture treatments help to release endorphins throughout your body.  As endorphins are released in your body, they begin to work on all the pains of your body. When the fine acupuncture needles are inserted into your body, they start to treat the energy blockages and imbalances present in your body.

Treatment without Side Effects

Medication that is available these days tends to give instant results and dangerous side effects that –in the long run- can make the original symptoms worse. Opting for acupuncture therapy will have no negative side effects, other than a few bruises that tend to clear up in two or so days.

Change Your Outlook on Life

Acupuncture treatment has the ability to make people feel more positive and grateful as it can stimulate the “deep connections to your body.” Simply by clearing blockages in your body, you will be eliminating the internal obstacles that have been restricting you from reaching your true potential. By feeling happier and having a clear mindset, individuals tend to be more successful in achieving their goals.


Getting acupuncture treatment can be extremely beneficial, which is why so many people have started to opt for it. If you want to gain these benefits, give our office a call @ 780-455-2112 to book your appointment today. Check out our website @ for more information on our clinic.

foods fight inflammation

Foods That Fight Inflammation Caused by Arthritis

A Case for Healthy Eating

As medications and treatments get more expensive and drugs have significant unpleasant (and sometimes horrifying) side effects, more people are looking toward natural ways to treat their arthritis pain. In most cases they need look no further than the foods that they eat. While there is not nutritional magic bullet, studies have shown that getting the right nutrition from certain foods can help to minimize inflammation and pain that comes from arthritis. It can also help with your overall health and influence the symptoms as well as progression of conditions that may be related to arthritis.

There are certain foods that act as anti-inflammatories while other can increase inflammation. Arthritis sufferers who learn what foods to eat and which ones to avoid can enjoy better pain management, improved mobility, a more active lifestyle, and a more positive outlook on life. These foods provide great benefits for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout, and other forms of inflammation caused by arthritis.

Foods that Fight Arthritis Inflammation

Different types of foods seem to affect different types of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation offers some very good guidelines on dietary recommendations for arthritis sufferers based on their type of arthritis.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These types of foods are the core of the Mediterranean style diet which consists of olive oil, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, and nuts. It should be stressed that choosing fresh foods in these categories is best. The key is to select foods that are as minimally processed as possible and contain no additives or preservatives. This means that most canned foods should be excluded. However, many supermarkets now have olive bars and other fresh, healthier food options that direct consumers away from processed, unhealthy food items. Fiber also plays a significant part in reducing arthritic inflammation.

Specific foods to incorporate into your diet to combat arthritis pain include:

  • Salmon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Egg yolks
  • Milk
  • Green tea
  • Oatmeal
  • Wild and brown rice
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Beans
  • Tart cherries
  • Berries – blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage

Foods that Increase Arthritis Inflammation

Just as there are foods that help alleviate arthritis pain, there are also foods that increase it. The Arthritis Foundation offers advice on foods that should be avoided by arthritis sufferers as they have been shown to increase pain and inflammation.

  • Sugar – Read the labels! Anything ingredient that ends in “ose” is a form of sugar. This includes sucrose and fructose.
  • Saturated fat – Cheese, pizza, red meat, pasta dishes, full fat dairy
  • Trans fats – Processed snack foods, cookies, crackers, stick margarine, fast food, donuts, fried foods, frozen breakfast products
  • Omega 6 fatty acids – Corn oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, many salad dressings
  • Refined carbs – Crackers, rolls, bread, white potatoes, white rice
  • MSG – A food additive found in soy sauce and many Asian prepared foods, deli meats, prepared soups, salad dressings
  • Gluten and casein – Dairy and wheat foods, whey protein, rye, and wheat
  • Aspartame – Most diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, many “diet” or “sugar free” products
  • Alcohol

Paying attention to what you put into your body will not only help you better manage pain and inflammation, it will also help you feel better both physically and emotionally. A healthy, fresh diet can literally change your life.

If you need some help learning what food choices are right for you, give our office a call @780-455-2112 to book an appointment with our Holistic Nutritionist. For more information on Holistic Nutrition service visit our website @


walking benefits

5 Benefits of Walking That Every Chiropractic Patient Should Know

The case for walking in order to achieve better health is not new. Doctors and fitness experts have been touting its benefits for decades. When you walk, you engage more than 200 muscles – this includes your pelvis and spine. This makes it an exceptional complement to chiropractic treatment. However, if you aren’t convinced, these five compelling reasons that chiropractic patients should walk are sure to win you over.

Help with Weight Management and Weight Loss

When you are carrying around excess weight it can lead to back pain and impaired mobility. Fat around your middle, especially in the stomach area, throws your body off balance. There is extra weight in front and it pulls that portion of your body forward, causing a swayback effect.

The pain in the lower back that is caused by this pressure can be excruciating. Over the long term this can cause damage to your spine and cause misalignment. While girdles or slings may help, the permanent remedy is to lose the weight. Walking is an excellent, low impact exercise that helps you lose weight, stay active, and stay healthy.

Better Mobility and Flexibility

As we age we become less flexible and we don’t have the mobility of youth. As you walk, your circulation increases and that helps improve flexibility and mobility.

Add a little light stretching to the mix, along with regular chiropractic treatments and you will have a much better range of motion. Your posture will improve and you will reduce your chance of injury during physical activity. All this greatly enhances your spinal health making walking a great complement to chiropractic care.

Relief of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the top reasons that Canadians miss work and worldwide it is the number one cause of disability. Walking is recommended to help ease back pain. It is a very good, low impact exercise that helps you manage your weight and stay active – excess weight can cause your back to hurt. Walking helps relieve back pain, but it can help to prevent it as well. Even walking for just 30 minutes a day 3 to 5 times a week is beneficial.

Spinal Disk Rehydration

There are small, fluid filled disks that lie between each vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you move about during the day, gravity and certain movements cause your spinal disks to compress, squeezing the water out of them. This can lead to back pain and mobility issues.

The increased circulation from walking helps to force water into this area and the disks absorb that water and are rehydrated. This allows them to continue doing what they are supposed to – act as shock absorbers for your spine. It also helps if you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Improved Circulation

Good circulation is integral to spinal health as well as a properly functioning central nervous system. When you walk it increases your circulation allowing your blood to carry vital nutrients to your spine, organs, and your entire body. The soft tissues are enriched and nourished as toxins are flushed out.

Another benefit of this increased circulation is a decrease in blood pressure. It brings your body into balance so your muscles, ligaments, and joints are nourished. This, in turn, helps to make your chiropractic treatments more productive and beneficial.

Walking is beneficial for whole body wellness. It can help you reduce your risk of many serious health conditions including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is also great for giving you a mental health boost and make you less prone to osteoporosis. So commit to walking just 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days a week. You will be astounded at the difference it will make.

Acupuncture Therapy DOs and DONTs

Acupuncture therapy has started getting acknowledged for its endless benefits to the human body.

Although, many people are still hesitant when it comes to this therapy due to the thought of having fine needles getting inserted into their body, there are many that are opting for it.

Since acupuncture therapy is a big deal, it is important that everyone getting it is aware of certain DOs and DONTs related to it.


  • Make sure you are not on an empty stomach; eat something light before your treatment.
  • You must tell the acupuncturist if you have consumed alcohol, smoked tobacco or had caffeine.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes before and after the treatment.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment and try not to run.
  • Make sure to urinate before you step in for your appointment.
  • There will be a lot of paperwork, so be prepared.
  • Mentally prepare to be in the hospital for at least 1-hour. The needles while be inserted in you for at least 30 minutes.
  • Stay calm and relaxed during the treatment.
  • Try to stay away from your phone during the treatment.
  • If you need to cancel or postpone your appointment, it is important you call 24 hours in advance.
  • You need to pay very close attention to if and how your pains have lessened or the symptoms, if the pain that you were feeling has changed, or has there been any pain relives or mood changes.


  • Avoid multitasking during your treatment.
  • You must not –at any cost- move your body when the needles are in.
  • Do not go to your treatment on an empty stomach or after indulging in a heavy meal.
  • Do not take too much physical, emotional, or mental stress upon yourself after the treatment.
  • Avoid all toxic substances during the day of your appointment.
  • Do not smoke after the session because it will slow down the healing power of your body.
  • You must not soak your body or go for a swim for at least 1 hour after your treatment.

The majority of these tips are made so you can stay protected before, during, and after your treatment. For example, swimming or bathing after a treatment is not advised because the microscopic holes that have been pierced into your body can cause infections.

Some of the suggestions that we have listed allow practitioners to get to accurate diagnoses. Drinking a cup of coffee before the treatment will stain your tongue and add a coat on top of it.

This could lead to inaccurate diagnoses and make your heart beat faster. Practitioners rely on the tongue and pulse when doing the diagnosis, which is why avoiding it before a treatment is recommended. Moreover, caffeine increases “firing of cortisol” that leads to feeling greater levels of pain.

Simply by doing and avoiding the tips mentioned above will allow you to gain maximum benefits out of your acupuncture session!

To book your next acupuncture therapy session, give our clinic a call @ 780-455-2112 and our helpful staff will find a time that works for you.

chiropractic helps ankle pain

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Ankle Pain

Ankle pain and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. Studies show that somewhere around 40 percent of ankle sprains are not treated correctly or are misdiagnosed, which leads to disability or chronic ankle pain.

When the ankle does not function properly, it can affect the entire body. The muscles on either side of the leg or even under the foot can become sore or painful. This can lead to loss of mobility, an uneven gait, and hip and back pain.

Anatomy of the Ankle

Three bones connect to the joint that is the ankle. The lower ends of the tibia (shinbone) and the fibula (lower leg small bone) meet to form a socket that the talus (ankle bone) sits in.

The bottom of the talus rests on the calcaneus (heel bone). There is about an inch-thick lining of somewhat soft cartilage in the joint, which provides shock absorption for carrying body weight, but it is tough and durable so that, provided there is no injury, it will last for a lifetime.

The bones are held together by ligaments and the muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. When there is an injury, it can impact the bone, muscles, tendon and ligaments.

Treatment for Ankle Injury and Pain

The typical treatment for ankle pain, such as with a sprain, is R.I.C.E., which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. A somewhat newer treatment approach replaces the R with an M, meaning that instead of rest, movement is required instead.

However, it is important that the movement is done safely and carefully. Certain types of ankle injuries can be exacerbated by movement so it should be approached with care.

Other types of traditional treatment include varying methods of pain control from ibuprofen to opioids. Severe injuries, such as a torn ligament, may require surgery. When a patient experiences ankle pain, an x-ray is often used to see if there is an injury and to determine the extent of that injury. Sometimes, though an x-ray is not able to see the injury. In such cases, an MRI may be used.

Chiropractic for Ankle Pain

Chiropractic is very effective for treating foot and ankle pain. The chiropractor will begin by assessing the patient’s source of pain and determine what is causing it. They may use x-rays, MRI, CT scan, and other types of diagnostic tools to help them select the best course or treatment.

When an ankle injury is new and the area is inflamed and tender, the course of treatment may include ultrasound, iontophoresis and whirlpool baths. This is in addition to rest, ice, compression and elevation. As the ankle heals, the inflammation subsides and it becomes more stable, chiropractic adjustments to the ankle and foot may be introduced.

Chiropractic for ankles can help reduce pain without prescription medication and the associated side effects. This alone is often a great draw for many patients. However, there are other benefits that chiropractic can provide for ankle pain.

Regular chiropractic treatment can help strengthen the ankle and increase its stability while increasing mobility and flexibility. Often nerves and soft tissue can become damaged. Chiropractic treatments done on a consistent basis facilitates blood flow, which speeds healing and reduces the chance of injury. It also uses a whole body approach so that the patient can get recommendation on diet and lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or exercising.

Chiropractic care is a very effective therapy for treating ankle pain and injury. It is non-invasive and a natural approach to healing that allows the body to heal itself. At Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic we have many services to keep you moving in life. Give our office a call @ 780-455-2112 and our staff will be happy to get you started.

acupuncture appointment

Before, During, and After an Acupuncture Appointment

Going for an acupuncture appointment can be intimidating for someone going for the first time. There are so many thoughts floating in mind, with the fear of being needled on the top of the list.

It is important to know what you must do.

Here are a few things that can definitely lessen stress during acupuncture treatments.

Before An Acupuncture Appointment

  1. Do You Have More Treatments?

After scheduling your appointment, consider other health or medical conditions you might have, especially if you are getting treatments for them. Prior to your appointment, it is important to let the acupuncturist know of these conditions so they can alter their treatment accordingly.

  1. Proper Clothing

When you go for your appointment, make sure you are wearing the right clothes. It is recommended that you wear loose clothes that the acupuncturist can easily maneuver and you can be comfortable.

In addition, it is important to reach the right point for the best results.

  1. Do Not Be Hungry

Many individuals begin to feel hungry during the treatment. Therefore, it is smart to eat something before going in for an appointment. Having a light snack can tame hunger. But make sure you are not eating greasy or heavy food before or after as it can upset your stomach.

  1. All Forms Must Be Completed Honestly

There will be forms that need to be filled before getting the treatment. Therefore, it is important you are answering all the questions honestly. It is important for the acupuncturist to know every single detail about you. In addition, giving the right information can immensely affect the treatment.

During An Acupuncture Appointment

Relax and Breathe

When the appointment begins, it is important to stay calm. By staying calm, your nerves and muscles will respond better and make it easier for the acupuncturist to perform their job. If there is something that is worrying you, ask your acupuncturist beforehand.

Just a single breath can calm the nervous system, therefore, it is important to stay as calm as you can.

When the needle enters your pressure point, keep breathing and make sure that your mind is in a peaceful state.

After An Acupuncture Appointment

  1. Keep Your Calm

Acupuncturists recommend resting as much as you can so healing can happen faster. It is important to drink a lot of water and to stay comfortable. Eat healthy foods (especially those that promote blood health), and make sure you are not working out too much.

There are many people who feel relaxed and rested after an acupuncture therapy, and some feel energized.

Make sure you know how your body is responding to the treatment before you get back to your fast-paced life.

  1. Give Feedback

It is important to look at your body’s responses after the appointment so you can let your acupuncturist know. This will be helpful for future treatments as well. If there is anything that concerns you, let your acupuncturist know.

Moreover, acupuncturists like to know how their patients feel after the treatment; therefore, it is nice to talk to them.

With these tips of what to do before, during, and after an acupuncture appointment, make sure you are getting the maximum benefits out of it. To book your next acupuncture appointment check out our website @ to book your acupuncture appointment online. You can also call us @ 780-455-2112 and our staff will be happy to help you.

Custom Orthotic Ordering and Fitting

Hi, Dr. Kent Ferguson here from Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic. Our Chiropractic wellness clinic provides many services to help you keep moving in life. Providing a quality custom orthotic is just one of those services. (Click here to watch Video)

Custom orthotics can provide many benefits. They provide many benefits because they support deficiencies in your foot/ankle posture and biomechanics. When your foot and ankle aren’t properly aligned you may experience localized foot pain, knee or leg pain, as well as hip or back pain.(Benefits of Custom Orthotics For Your Shoes)

We see many types of health concerns in our office. For many of our patient custom orthotics is an important part of their overall treatment plan. We also have many people that search us out specifically for our orthotics. When asked why they choose our clinic, their response typically comes down to our thorough 3 fold process of consultation, examination and casting.

STEP 1 – Consultation 

Before you are fitted for custom orthotics our doctors consult with you. Our consultation is necessary to fully understand your problem. Also, a thorough consultation will point to possible causes of your problems. Understanding possible causes allows you to consider lifestyle or habit modifications so that you can experience the maximum benefits of your orthotics

STEP 2 – Examination 

Before you are fitted for your custom orthotic our doctors will perform the appropriate examination to assess your concerns.  An examination is needed in order to understand the specific modifications necessary for your custom orthotic.

STEP 3 – Fitting 

Our clinic has partnered with The Orthotic Group to provide quality custom foot orthotics. Our clinic utilizes a foam casting method when gaining an impression of the your feet. Your foam cast is then laser scanned in order to manufacture your custom orthotic.

If you’re in the market for custom orthotics, give our office a call and our helpful staff will find an appointment time that works for you.  Check out our website @ to learn more about our custom orthotic service. Thanks for watching. Take care.


improve posture

Improve Posture With Chiropractic

Your mother always told you to stand up straight – and she was right. Good posture is very important. It is good for your health, your mood, and even how you are perceived by others. It is important to improve posture because good posture can help you stave off age related conditions and allow your vital organs plenty of room to do their job correctly.

A Word about Posture

Sometimes though things can happen that impact your posture. Maybe you sustain an injury and your body compensates by listing to one side or you hunch over in an effort to relieve the pain. Other times you may slouch in an effort to make yourself “invisible” in a crowd. Then there are those who just don’t give good posture its due and slouch because they simply don’t feel like standing up straight.

Whatever the case, poor posture can lead to back pain, headaches, increased risk of injury, decreased flexibility, and diminished mobility. It can actually cause you to age much faster. The good news is, in most cases even those with very poor posture can turn it around and improve posture to stand a little taller. Chiropractic care has shown to help many people regain their youthful, straight, healthy posture that they’ve lost.

Postural Conditions that Chiropractic Care can Help

There are certain postural conditions that chiropractic care is particularly helpful is alleviating, including:

  • Hip or pelvis unleveling
  • Scoliosis
  • Damage to the low back, mid back, and neck that affects its normal curvature
  • Forward head posture (often associated with using mobile devices)
  • Kyphosis or hunchback

Chiropractic Treatment to Improve Posture Problems

When you first visit your chiropractor, he or she will sit down with you and discuss the problems you are having, what your complaints are, when the problem started, and events that may have contributed to the problem. They will take a thorough medical history and observe the way you sit, walk, bend, and move.

Your chiropractor may request x-rays and will assess the alignment of your spine. You may also be asked to have neurological or orthopedic testing done to ensure that there is no underlying condition or injury that is causing your problem.

You will be asked to stand straight and the doctor will take measurements to determine if there is any visible deviation from your optimum posture. He or she will ask you to move and bend while they test your range of motion, mobility and flexibility as well as your muscle strength and length.

A Prescription to Improve Posture

Once your assessments are complete your chiropractor will discuss treatment options with you. He or she will walk you through the adjustments that will be done and other types of therapies they recommend. You will talk about the best course of action to relieve any pain that you are experiencing as well as get your spine back into alignment and improve your posture.

Your chiropractor will also likely talk to you about stretching exercises and things you can do at home in between appointments. They may discuss sleep positions, diet, work area adjustments, exercise, and weight loss. Chiropractic is a whole body treatment, addressing lifestyle changes that affect the entire body and getting it into optimal working order as a whole.

If you have poor posture you can change it, even if you are an older adult – or a senior. Often simple chiropractic adjustments can help improve posture within just a few sessions. Once your body is in alignment you will feel more energetic, healthier, and happier. Your body is an intricate machine and when one part isn’t functioning as it should, it affects all the other parts. Chiropractic can turn that around, helping your body function more effectively so you feel better.

Check out our website @ or give our clinic a call @ 7809-455-2112 to book your assessment today.




Hi, I’m Dr. Kent Ferguson, chiropractor (click here to watch video) @ Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic. Chiropractic care for spinal disc problems is steadily increasing in popularity. As more and more research proves the effectiveness for chiropractic for these types of problems, doctors and therapists are incorporating it into treatment plans for their patients.

Most spinal or disc problems are marked by a specific set of symptoms including neck and back pain, stiffness, arm pain, leg pain, and tenderness in the spinal muscles or the spine itself. Other more serious symptoms can present at the onset of the condition or over a period of time. These symptoms indicate a dangerous problem that could even be life threatening; they include:

  • Back pain accompanied by fever
  • Loss of control of bladder or bowel
  • Severe weakness that inhibits the ability to use arms, legs, walk, etc.
  • Loss of sensation in both arms and/or both buttocks
  • Inability to defecate or urinate

More serious or life threatening symptoms may require medical intervention, but most spinal conditions can be helped or even corrected with chiropractic care.

Spinal manipulation by a doctor of chiropractic has been proven to be an effective, safe treatment for disc problems and associated pain. In some cases therapeutic exercise may be added to the treatment and this too has been shown to be very effective.

So if you or a loved one are suffering from spinal disc problems, make sure you give our clinic a call @ 780-455-2112. We’re here to help!

Thanks for watching, Take care