bones bone health nutrition

6 Synthetic Foods That Can Destroy Bone Health (And How to Undo the Damage)

Synthetic or artificially made foods used as additives are far more toxic than we can imagine. Some of them don’t even qualify as foods and barely provide any nutritional value. Heavy metals, food dyes, and pesticides in our foods are not only harmful to our colon health but suck nutrients away from our bones. Most commonly found in beverages, trans-fat foods, and breakfast syrups, there are plenty of synthetic foods hidden in your snacks and drinks that may be slowly killing your bones.

Watch out for the following list of man-made additives, sugars, and oils that can possibly deprive your bones of nutritional health if consumed abundantly.

1. Synthetic Sulfites

Sulfites include sulfur dioxide, calcium sulfites, and sodium disulfite. They are mainly used as preservatives and artificial colors. Although banned from being used over vegetables and fruits, sulfites are still freely used in many foods we eat like processed juices and tea, canned foods, and alcohol.
The main reason why they are deadly for bone health is that they take away Thiamin or Vitamin B1. Sulfites tend to hinder growth and development in bones and contribute to inflammation.

2. Phosphoric Acid

Coke is your enemy. In fact, all carbonated beverages with high amounts of refined sugars can eat away bone matter and deplete your bones of calcium, if taken excessively. Cola-based sodas are proven to significantly decrease bone mineral density, according to researchers at Tufts University.

3. Disodium EDTA

Disodium EDTA is a food additive that is used for flavor and color preservation, mostly found in canned foods and pickles. Primarily used to stop foods from decaying, this substance can deprive your bones of essential nutrients by pulling minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, and manganese away from the digestive tract and out for excretion.

4. Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenation can destroy all the Vitamin K in oils, which is an essential nutrient for strong bones. Found in cookies, pastries, donuts and junk food, hydrogenated oils typically used in commercial baking can even block the arteries.

5. Aspartame

An artificial sweetener, commonly found in sodas, aspartame can trigger anxiety, nausea, depression, muscle spasms, and wreck bone health.

6. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Although widely avoided, MSG is still used as a flavor enhancer in many processed foods. MSG has the potential to excessively stimulate our nerve cells, which can lead to dangerous seizures, migraines, and even depression. With so many health menaces, it can possibly reduce bone density as well.
Sadly, even when the glutamate industry knows it’s a toxic substance, they still sell it.

How to Undo the Damage

Luckily, weak bones can easily be strengthened. The first step is of course to ditch all the above-mentioned toxic foods from your diet.
You should ideally eat a bowl of rich greens like broccoli and okra, with lunch or dinner and consume a rich source of calcium in your diet. Dairy foods like milk and cheese are a good source. Spend 30 minutes daily in the sun to allow the body to soak up some Vitamin D.

Doing these simple steps consistently can help your bones regain their lost strength. For more nutritional tips visit .

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