
patellofemoral chiropractic benefits

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

As the weather warms and spring is in full swing, more and more runners are heading outside, hitting the pavement to train for upcoming races or to just step up their game after a long winter. While there are some die hard runners who don’t let even the most brutal winter stop them, most tend to retreat indoors, waiting for warmer days and a more pleasant environment. Unfortunately, increased activity can also lead to an increased risk of injury, particularly patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), also known as runner’s knee.

What is Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?

Runner’s knee is often used to describe PFPS, but runner’s knee is actually a broader term describing several different knee injuries or ailments. PFPS is a painful condition that is caused when the tissue that is between the femur (thigh bone) and the patella (kneecap) becomes inflamed or irritated.

Most people will notice pain in the front portion or anterior part of the knee, but pain can be experienced in other parts of the knee and even back pain may occur. Running increases the discomfort, as does sitting for long periods and going up or down stairs.

The causes of PFPS can also vary widely. Overuse is often the first thing that people think, but a problem with the way the knee is aligned is actually the most common reason.

If the patella is not properly aligned, when it moves through the groove that is at the end of the femur, it causes irritation to the surrounding tissues. This usually happens because the muscles and joints are out of balance.

For instance, if the quad muscle on one side is weaker than the other side it throws the entire system out of balance, causing the knee to become misaligned. This leads to knee pain and discomfort.

Treatment for Runner’s Knee

When treating PFPS, rest is usually first on the list, followed by icing the area to reduce inflammation. Once the pain is under control, the next step is to determine what is causing the problem. It is important to rule out more serious conditions or injuries first in order to determine the best course of treatment.

If it is indeed PFPS, strengthening the muscles in and around the knee is generally the first step in treatment. It is important that the muscle strength is balanced so that the knee can be properly aligned. Getting a good pair of running shoes is also recommended so that future injury can be prevented.

Chiropractic for Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee, or PFPS, responds very well to chiropractic treatment. The chiropractor is able to do a complete exam and find the cause of the problem, then tailor the treatment accordingly. This is typically done on a case by case basis with treatment that is based on the individual’s unique needs. The chiropractor may do various chiropractic alignments and manipulations on the spine, hip, ankle, and knee in order to bring the body back into proper balance.

The chiropractor may also recommend other complimentary treatments including special supplements, dietary adjustments, and an exercise plan. The chiropractor may also recommend certain stretching exercises to aid in healing. Kinesio taping is another common treatment that may be used in conjunction with chiropractic care. It is particularly beneficial when there is a muscular strength imbalance. The tape can help support the weaker muscle group.

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for patellofemoral pain syndrome and the associated knee pain. It works to correct the problem by bringing the body back into proper alignment, allowing it to function as it should.

Call (780)455-2112 to book your assessment or visit to learn more about our clinic and practitioners!

posture chiropractic benefits tips

4 Posture Tips Every Chiropractic Patient Can Use

Good posture is more important than many people realize. Many a mother has followed her child around, reminding him or her to “stand up straight!” Not everyone knows all the reasons that this is important, but they should. Good posture is essential to good spinal health as well as good overall health.

People with good posture sleep better, feel better, and have fewer aches and pains in the joints, back, neck, and head. It helps you have better digestion, improves your organ function, and helps to make your chiropractic treatments even more effective. These top posture tips will help you stand straight and tall while enjoying better health.

Be aware

Being aware of poor posture is the first step in being able to correct it. When you feel your spine starts to curve, your shoulders hunch, or your back sway, stop and take a moment to pull your body back into proper alignment. Pretend that there is a string that goes through your entire body from the top of your head.

In your mind, pull that string up, raising your chin slightly so that it is parallel to the floor. Pull your shoulders back and allow your arms to hang naturally at your side. Bend your knees slightly (soft knees) with your feet about shoulder width apart. Tuck in your stomach and roll your pelvis forward so your back is not swayed. Keep your weight mostly on the balls of your feet. Think tall. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to get an idea of what this, good posture, feels like.

Use the wall

Using the wall or floor can help you get a feel for how to shift your pelvis. If you have a habit of tilting your pelvis back so that you have a sway back, you need to learn how to roll it forward to get it straight.

A person can develop a sway back out of habit, due to injury, or if they carry a lot of abdominal fat. It can cause a great deal of pain and just making the adjustment to straighten your spine will make a tremendous difference.

To get the feel for straightening your back, stand flat against a wall. Keep your feet directly under you. Now try to press the small of your back into the wall. Feel how your body shifts as your pelvis rolls forward. Pay attention to that sensation so you can duplicate it without using the wall. You can also do this while lying on your back with your knees slightly bent. Practice arching your back and then pressing it against the floor to get a feel for that motion.

Stay active

Regular exercise and stretching are very important for good posture. What many people don’t realize, though, is that good posture is absolutely vital while you are exercising. This is called “form.” You need to practice good form while you are doing weight bearing exercises, cardio, and stretching. If you don’t it can lead to injury or pain.

Your chiropractor can advise you on various exercises and the proper form for them. If you work out at a gym or at home, learn about good form for the exercises that you do. Fitness professionals can help you with this and are well worth the investment.

Get Regular Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatments can help correct poor posture, but even if you are working on it yourself it is important to get regular chiropractic care. There are several reasons for this. First, your chiropractor can make adjustments to your spine, providing you with a much wider range of motion and better mobility. Your chiropractor can also recommend exercises for you and show you how to do them properly. If you have weight issues he or she can provide you with advice on diet and lifestyle changes. Taking advantage of the whole body wellness that chiropractic offers will not only improve your posture, it will improve your life.

It’s never too late to correct your posture, give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 to book your assessment with one of our wellness chiropractors. Visit to learn more about us!

tension headaches chiropractic benefits

What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most prevalent types of headaches, occurring more often in women than in men. Research shows that 48 percent of women and 38 percent of men suffer from tension headaches.

Each year, patients spend more than $2 billion on over the counter headache medications. In fact, people spend a lot of money and effort seeking remedies for headaches. From prescription medication to over the counter drugs to alternative headache treatments like meditation, acupuncture, and chiropractic.

In fact, chiropractic is a proven treatment for tension headaches, but there is more to it than just adjustments. Chiropractic offers a whole body approach to treatment that can not only relieve the pain of tension headaches, but help prevent them as well.

What are Tension Headaches?

The most common type of headache is the tension headache which is described as pain ranging from mild to moderate that feels like a tight band is wrapped around the head. While stress can be a factor in the cause of these headaches, it still isn’t well understood how these headaches originate. Symptoms of a tension headache include:

  • Aching, dull pain in the head
  • Sensation of pressure or tightness on the back and sides of the head or across the forehead
  • Tenderness in the shoulder muscles, neck, and scalp

There are two categories of tension headaches: chronic and episodic. There are two primary factors that identify each type. The length of the headache and the frequency can help you determine which type of tension headache you have.

  • Chronic Tension Headaches
    • Length of Headache – hours and can be continuous
    • Frequency of Headache – occur 15 days or more a month for three or more months
  • Episodic Tension Headaches
    • Length of Headache – half hour to a week
    • Frequency of Headache – occur less than 15 days a month for three or more months

There are two primary risk factors for tension headaches:

  • Women – Research shows that nearly 90 percent of women will experience tension headaches throughout the course of their life. Only 70 percent of men will experience tension headaches in their lifetime.
  • Middle Age – Tension headaches increase as people approach 40 and peak at middle age, or when a person is in their 40s. However, anyone can get a tension headache, regardless of age.

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Tension Headaches

A chiropractor can treat tension headaches through traditional spinal manipulation and adjustments, but they also provide advice on lifestyle and nutrition. Several things that your chiropractor may suggest include applying heat or ice to the area around your neck, shoulders, or head. A warm bath or shower may also help.

Stress management is another way that you can learn to manage and prevent tension headaches. This is typically a combination of minimizing stress in your life and learning relaxation techniques. Your chiropractor may also help you improve your posture. Poor posture is a very common contributing factor for many types of headaches.

Chiropractic for Tension Headaches

Your Doctor of Chiropractic will sit down with you to discuss your history, including your headaches. He or she will conduct diagnostic tests including x-rays, MRIs and other to determine if there are underlying causes for your headaches. They will recommend various lifestyle changes including dietary changes and exercises that you can do.

Your doctor may also perform chiropractic adjustments, or spinal manipulation which will help return the body to proper balance, improving spinal function and alleviating stress on the body and system. This helps to relieve pain as an immediate treatment, but when performed consistently, chiropractic can also help prevent tension headaches, allowing you to live pain free.

cyclists chiropractic benefits fitness

How Chiropractic Benefits Cyclists

Now that summer is upon us and the chilly winds of winter are gone for at least a few months, more people are taking their fitness and recreational activities outside. Cycling is popular activity that fits both bills. It is a great way to unwind and enjoy the great outdoors, but it is also an excellent form of exercise.

Chiropractic provides excellent benefits to cyclists, whether you hit the trails on the weekend, incorporate cycling as part of your fitness regimen, or commute to work on your bike every day.

  • Relief from Pain
  • Faster Healing from Injuries
  • Better Muscle Tone and Balance
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Enriched Cycling Biomechanics

In short, chiropractic and help make you a better cyclist and help you get the most out of your cycling. It will help keep your body aligned and balanced physically, but it also treats the whole body.

That means that your chiropractor will also make nutritional recommendations and even recommend various supplements if necessary. This will give your energy a boost and improve your performance, while helping you stay healthy and fit. This is how chiropractic helps you have more stamina and endurance.

Chiropractic for Cycling Injuries

As with any type of physical activity, there is always a chance that injuries will occur. Chiropractic helps keep your body balanced and improves your flexibility. This, in turn, decreases your chance for injury.

However, if you are injured, chiropractic can help you recover and heal much faster. You start with a healthy, balanced body through regular chiropractic care, and that helps you bounce back faster if you sustain an injury.

Chiropractic care can also be used to treat injuries. Cycling can cause pain and injury in the ligaments, muscles, knees, ankles, hips, hands, wrists, feet, neck, back, and shoulders.

Regular adjustments can help decrease the likelihood of pain in these areas, but sometimes the soreness can creep in anyway. When that happens, chiropractic treatments have been shown to be very effective in treating pain without pain medication and associated harmful side effects.

Spinal alignment is one of the most common chiropractic techniques, but it goes much farther than that. Adjustments to the legs and feet can help with ankle, knee, hip, and foot pain. Adjustments to the arms and shoulders can help relieve pain in those areas. Special attention to the joints help keep them flexible and functioning as they should.

Chiropractic allows the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal

Chiropractic is completely natural and does not rely on invasive treatments or surgeries. It does not use medications of any kind. It uses nutrition and supplements that rely on the body’s natural ability to heal. It simply realigns the body so that the neural pathways are unobstructed. This allows blood flow to be more efficient and reach the organs much easier.

Chiropractic involves gentle spinal manipulations that realign the body and restore movement in the joints as well as muscle trigger points and soft tissue. It may include electrical muscular current therapies, massage, cold laser therapy, ultrasonic waves, and other therapies in addition to the spinal manipulations.

A chiropractic patient may be advised to rest, ice an area, elevate it, or be given specific exercises to work that area. Chiropractic is not a rote therapy as many traditional medical practices tend to be. It adjusts to each patient, taking into account their unique lifestyle, activity level, nutritional needs, and other elements that influence that particular patient’s healing process.

Chiropractic sees each patient as individual and treat them as such. This is what makes it such an effective treatment for cyclists. The benefits it offers them can not only keep them pain free and participating in their activity; it can also make them better at it.

Visit to learn more about our chiropractors or call (780)455-2112 to book your assessment!

facet syndrome pain

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain From Facet Syndrome

Facet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are many treatments that are used, but most mainstream medical treatments involve pain medication which can have undesirable side effects and may even lead to addiction.

Chiropractic is a proven, reliable treatment for relieving the pain and discomfort of facet syndrome. It helps restore mobility and flexibility while providing pain relief. Some patient notice significant relief from the pain and inflammation of this condition with chiropractic treatment and it is often recommended to facet syndrome patients.

What is facet syndrome?

Facet syndrome is the result of an injury to the facet joints. Zygapophyseal joints, or facet joints reside at the posterior of the spine. At each level there are two joints, one on each side of the spine.

The facet joints are enclosed in a joint capsule. They are synovial joints so the capsule contains synovial fluid. The surface of the joints is covered with hyaline cartilage.

Other joints, such as the ankle, contain this type of cartilage covering. These joints are constructed in this way due to their role in the body – to control excessive or extensive movement. This would include hyper extension and rotation. By doing so they help to stabilize the spine.

Facet syndrome occurs when there is an injury to the facet joints. There are numerous causes, but basically, it is a sprain that is brought about by excessive movement.

This damages the joint capsule and the result is inflammation, swelling, and pain. The pain triggers a protective mechanism in the spine called a reactive muscle spasm which causes great difficulty in moving comfortable and severe, sudden pain.

It is difficult to rest the back because of its integral function in supporting the entire body. A severe sprain can take weeks to heal, typically 2 to 6 weeks. This means that the pain and lack of mobility is impacting you on a daily basis. It can be very difficult to pursue day to day activities and enjoy your typical lifestyle.

Chiropractic for facet syndrome

Chiropractic care is a proven, effective treatment for facet syndrome. When you visit your chiropractor, he or she will conduct a physical exam, discuss your medical history, and may send you for diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Once they have a clear picture of your condition and a facet syndrome diagnosis has been confirmed, they will discuss with you a recommended course of treatment that may include:

  • Exercise – they will recommend specific exercises to help relieve the pain and strengthen the muscles in the back so that they can better support the spine.
  • Posture – posture is extremely important in spinal health and overall wellness. Your chiropractor will help you achieve good, healthy posture and give you exercises to do at home to help you maintain good posture and retrain your body to have better posture.
  • Heat or cold therapy – heat wraps and hot showers or ice packs and cold pad applications may be recommended to help control pain.
  • Changes in activities – you may be advised to take frequent breaks if you sit at a desk all day or to shorten your commute. There may be some activities that you won’t be able to do for a while – or won’t be able to do for long periods of time until your back heals.
  • Chiropractic treatment – spinal manipulation is the most common chiropractic treatment for facet syndrome. Your chiropractor may include other types of treatments though, depending on your specific condition and lifestyle.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and drug free way to treat facet syndrome, relieve back pain, and help you regain your mobility. Talk to your chiropractor about your treatment options for facet syndrome.

If you or someone you know might be suffering from severe back pain, give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 and our staff will be happy to help. Visit for more information about us!


How Chiropractic Benefits Those That Suffer From Migraine Headaches

If you have ever had a migraine before then you know that it is much more than a simple headache. The symptoms of a migraine can be debilitating, lasting hours and even days. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, it is the eighth most disabling disease in the world.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine headaches are extremely difficult to treat and even more difficult to control. This is mainly due to the fact that doctors still don’t know exactly what causes it. This leaves it undiagnosed in many patients and often terribly under-treated in those with a diagnosis.

The best many doctors seem to be able to do is prescribe pain medication that has undesirable side effects in an effort to manage the symptoms. However, chiropractic has been shown in several studies to not only effectively manage the pain of migraines, it also helps stop and prevent them.

Anatomy of a Migraine Headache

There are two types of migraines, those with an aura and those without an aura. An aura can appear up to an hour before the onset of a migraine. It is a warning sign that usually presents as a disturbance that is either visual or olfactory. The person may see flashes of light or smell particular odors before the headache begins. About one in six migraines are preceded by an aura.

Once the migraine itself begins, the pain is typically on one side of the head, although this is not always the case. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to noise, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to smell. Some patients experience an inability to concentrate, hot or cold flashes, stiffness in neck or shoulders, slurred speech, loss of coordination, and in rare cases, loss of consciousness.

The migraine can last several minutes, hours, or even days. Afterwards the patient may feel fatigued or washed out. They may be unable to concentrate and either lethargic or extremely energetic.

Studies Show: Chiropractic as a Migraine Treatment

There have been several clinical studies on chiropractic as a treatment for migraine headaches. The results of one study reported that 22 percent of patients who received chiropractic treatment for their migraines reported that their attacks were reduced by more than 90 percent. Additionally, 49 percent reported that the intensity of their migraines was significantly reduced.

Another study randomly assigned people with migraine headaches several different treatments. One group was given Elavil, a daily medication, another group was given chiropractic treatment and a third group received a combination of the two treatments. The results showed that chiropractic was as effective in reducing migraines as the medication and it had fewer side effects. Other studies have also found that chiropractic is as effective as medication for the treatment and prevention of migraine or tension headaches.

Chiropractic for Migraines Headaches

Spinal adjustments are very effective as a treatment for migraines. The whole body approach of chiropractic also utilizes dietary recommendations, including foods to avoid, as well as lifestyle changes.

The patient may be counselled on managing stress, advised to engage in exercise, and given supplements. The treatments may be used to reduce the pain and severity of a migraine once it begins or it can be used to prevent migraines and reduce their frequency.

Chiropractic is a safer treatment with fewer side effects than prescription medications. Chiropractic is quickly becoming the treatment of choice for many migraine sufferers. As the studies show, it works!

So if you or a loved one suffer from migraines, give us a call. Our Doctors of Chiropractic are here to help! (780)455-2112 or visit to learn more about our clinic.

chiropractic, benefits, plantar fasciitis

How Chiropractic Helps People Who Suffer from Plantar Fasciitis

Feet are important. When you consider what your feet go through, taking 8,000 steps over the course of a day, it’s easy to see how the majority of Canadians will have some type of foot pain at some point in their lives. Plantar fasciitis is a common and very painful foot condition that can become chronic if not treated. It is also a condition that responds very well to chiropractic care.

Plantar Fasciitis Explained

Plantar fasciitis is caused when the ligament that connects your toes to your heel (the plantar fascia) becomes inflamed, swollen, and weak. This causes the bottom of your foot or heel to hurt when you walk or stand, especially when you first wake or after sitting for a long time.

The pain tends to be sharp and stabbing. It is the most common cause of heel pain and is more prevalent among middle aged people. However, anyone can get it at any age, especially people who spend a lot of time on their feet.

How Chiropractic helps Plantar Fasciitis

Chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for plantar fasciitis as well as the pain that is caused by the condition. Chiropractic for plantar fasciitis involves a very precise technique that involves adjustments to the feet and ankles as well as spinal alignment. This provides several benefits.

Reduces Stress in the Plantar Fascia – When a ligament is inflamed or stressed the tissue can develop very small tears that cause the pain of plantar fasciitis. Chiropractic adjustments made to the heel and foot take the pressure off of the plantar fascia, allowing it to relax.

Promotes Healing – When the stress on the plantar fascia is reduced through these chiropractic adjustments, the foot can begin to heal. The chiropractor may also recommend specific exercises that stretch the ligament and help it heal. They may also advise the patient of lifestyle changes as well as nutritional adjustments that can help with the pain and condition.

Provides Effective Pain Management – Chiropractic is a very effective way to manage pain throughout the body. Spinal adjustments allow better communication between the brain and nerves, allowing the central nervous system to function more effectively. Condition specific adjustments speak to the root of the problem, not just the symptoms. This means a more effective form of pain management that is longer lasting.

Reduces the Risk of Further Injury – When a person has a condition like plantar fasciitis, they will often adjust their gait in an effort to avoid the pain. This puts stress on other parts of the body and can lead to back pain, sore joints, strained muscles, and other problems. Chiropractic’s whole body approach helps the person realign their body properly so that they stand and walk properly. This helps them avoid further injury and discomfort.

Chiropractic is a Good Complement to Other Treatments

While chiropractic can be an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis on its own, it is also a very good complement to other treatments for the condition. Patients may use chiropractic in conjunction with physical therapy, massage, and even injections to manage the pain and treat the condition. It can also help with speeding healing and helping to provide better mobility.

Plantar fasciitis can take several months to heal, but by adding chiropractic treatments to your recovery plan, you can feel better faster while more effectively managing your pain. Regular chiropractic treatments can also keep the condition from becoming chronic. By working with your chiropractor and following their recommendations you can reduce your pain and shorten your healing time.

If you’re having foot pain and are interested in the chiropractic option, check out our website @ You can also give us a call at 780-455-2112 to book an assessment today.

chiropractic, whiplash, injury

Why Chiropractic Is a Great Choice for Whiplash Injuries

If you have ever had to deal with the pain of whiplash you know how it can impact every aspect of your life. Daily tasks can be painful or even impossible to carry out. Even milder cases can make it difficult to turn your head from side to side. Whiplash can cause chronic pain and keep you from doing many of the activities that you enjoy.

Chiropractic is a very effective treatment for whiplash that not only helps with pain management; it also helps you heal faster. Your chiropractor can recommend exercises you can do at home between treatments and other lifestyle changes that will facilitate your healing and improve flexibility.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a term that describes an injury that is typically focused in the neck and spine. It is caused when the head and neck is thrown in one direction very unexpectedly and quickly, then is thrust in the opposite direction. The head is whipped quickly, usually front to back. It can be whipped from side to side though.

Most people associate whiplash with car accidents, but even just turning one way while a child tugs your arm in another direction can cause it. Anything that jerks your head suddenly has the possibility to cause whiplash.

What Damage does Whiplash Cause?

The damage that is caused by whiplash is called a vertebral subluxation. It is the most common source of discomfort and pain that is caused by injuries due to whiplash. There are different kinds, caused by tension and emotional stress, poor sleeping positions, bad posture, weak muscles, and inadequate diet. This type of subluxation is caused by injury and a chiropractor can diagnose the injury and treat it.

The injury from whiplash is in the neck and spine, but the pain can extend to the head, arms, shoulders, hips, and legs. You can experience frequent headaches, numbness and tingling in your hands, and have difficulty walking or moving about. The pain can range from stiffness and soreness to stabbing and sharp. The injury can affect various nerves, causing blurred vision, dizziness, low back pain, ear ringing, and even problems with your internal organs.

Chiropractic Treatment for Whiplash

Chiropractors will use different techniques to relieve the pain of whiplash and help with healing.

  • Chiropractic Adjustment – The chiropractor performs spinal manipulation to gently move the joints into alignment. This will help to align the body to relieve pain and encourage healing.
  • Muscle Stimulation and Relaxation – This involves stretches the muscles that are affected, relieving tension and helping them to relax. Finger pressure techniques may also be combined with the stretching to relieve pain.
  • McKenzie Exercises – These exercises help with disc derangement that whiplash causes. They are first performed in the chiropractor’s office, but the patient can be taught how to do them at home. This helps the patient have some degree of control in their own healing.

Each whiplash case is different. A chiropractor will evaluate the patient and determine the appropriate treatment on a case by case basis. Different cases of whiplash have different symptoms. The chiropractor will determine the best course of treatment that will relieve your pain and restore your mobility and flexibility.

Any accident that causes whiplash can result in the vertebrae moving out of alignment. This can damage and irritate the spinal nerves. Even whiplash from years ago can still affect you if you never saw a chiropractor. Your spine can still be out of alignment and injury or trauma from years ago can cause problems that seem unrelated. Whiplash can be far more serious than you may realize.

Check out our website @ for more information on our services. Feel free to give us a call @ 780-455-2112 to book your consultation and assessment today.

chiropractic helps ankle pain

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Ankle Pain

Ankle pain and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. Studies show that somewhere around 40 percent of ankle sprains are not treated correctly or are misdiagnosed, which leads to disability or chronic ankle pain.

When the ankle does not function properly, it can affect the entire body. The muscles on either side of the leg or even under the foot can become sore or painful. This can lead to loss of mobility, an uneven gait, and hip and back pain.

Anatomy of the Ankle

Three bones connect to the joint that is the ankle. The lower ends of the tibia (shinbone) and the fibula (lower leg small bone) meet to form a socket that the talus (ankle bone) sits in.

The bottom of the talus rests on the calcaneus (heel bone). There is about an inch-thick lining of somewhat soft cartilage in the joint, which provides shock absorption for carrying body weight, but it is tough and durable so that, provided there is no injury, it will last for a lifetime.

The bones are held together by ligaments and the muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. When there is an injury, it can impact the bone, muscles, tendon and ligaments.

Treatment for Ankle Injury and Pain

The typical treatment for ankle pain, such as with a sprain, is R.I.C.E., which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. A somewhat newer treatment approach replaces the R with an M, meaning that instead of rest, movement is required instead.

However, it is important that the movement is done safely and carefully. Certain types of ankle injuries can be exacerbated by movement so it should be approached with care.

Other types of traditional treatment include varying methods of pain control from ibuprofen to opioids. Severe injuries, such as a torn ligament, may require surgery. When a patient experiences ankle pain, an x-ray is often used to see if there is an injury and to determine the extent of that injury. Sometimes, though an x-ray is not able to see the injury. In such cases, an MRI may be used.

Chiropractic for Ankle Pain

Chiropractic is very effective for treating foot and ankle pain. The chiropractor will begin by assessing the patient’s source of pain and determine what is causing it. They may use x-rays, MRI, CT scan, and other types of diagnostic tools to help them select the best course or treatment.

When an ankle injury is new and the area is inflamed and tender, the course of treatment may include ultrasound, iontophoresis and whirlpool baths. This is in addition to rest, ice, compression and elevation. As the ankle heals, the inflammation subsides and it becomes more stable, chiropractic adjustments to the ankle and foot may be introduced.

Chiropractic for ankles can help reduce pain without prescription medication and the associated side effects. This alone is often a great draw for many patients. However, there are other benefits that chiropractic can provide for ankle pain.

Regular chiropractic treatment can help strengthen the ankle and increase its stability while increasing mobility and flexibility. Often nerves and soft tissue can become damaged. Chiropractic treatments done on a consistent basis facilitates blood flow, which speeds healing and reduces the chance of injury. It also uses a whole body approach so that the patient can get recommendation on diet and lifestyle changes, such as losing weight or exercising.

Chiropractic care is a very effective therapy for treating ankle pain and injury. It is non-invasive and a natural approach to healing that allows the body to heal itself. At Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic we have many services to keep you moving in life. Give our office a call @ 780-455-2112 and our staff will be happy to get you started.

improve posture

Improve Posture With Chiropractic

Your mother always told you to stand up straight – and she was right. Good posture is very important. It is good for your health, your mood, and even how you are perceived by others. It is important to improve posture because good posture can help you stave off age related conditions and allow your vital organs plenty of room to do their job correctly.

A Word about Posture

Sometimes though things can happen that impact your posture. Maybe you sustain an injury and your body compensates by listing to one side or you hunch over in an effort to relieve the pain. Other times you may slouch in an effort to make yourself “invisible” in a crowd. Then there are those who just don’t give good posture its due and slouch because they simply don’t feel like standing up straight.

Whatever the case, poor posture can lead to back pain, headaches, increased risk of injury, decreased flexibility, and diminished mobility. It can actually cause you to age much faster. The good news is, in most cases even those with very poor posture can turn it around and improve posture to stand a little taller. Chiropractic care has shown to help many people regain their youthful, straight, healthy posture that they’ve lost.

Postural Conditions that Chiropractic Care can Help

There are certain postural conditions that chiropractic care is particularly helpful is alleviating, including:

  • Hip or pelvis unleveling
  • Scoliosis
  • Damage to the low back, mid back, and neck that affects its normal curvature
  • Forward head posture (often associated with using mobile devices)
  • Kyphosis or hunchback

Chiropractic Treatment to Improve Posture Problems

When you first visit your chiropractor, he or she will sit down with you and discuss the problems you are having, what your complaints are, when the problem started, and events that may have contributed to the problem. They will take a thorough medical history and observe the way you sit, walk, bend, and move.

Your chiropractor may request x-rays and will assess the alignment of your spine. You may also be asked to have neurological or orthopedic testing done to ensure that there is no underlying condition or injury that is causing your problem.

You will be asked to stand straight and the doctor will take measurements to determine if there is any visible deviation from your optimum posture. He or she will ask you to move and bend while they test your range of motion, mobility and flexibility as well as your muscle strength and length.

A Prescription to Improve Posture

Once your assessments are complete your chiropractor will discuss treatment options with you. He or she will walk you through the adjustments that will be done and other types of therapies they recommend. You will talk about the best course of action to relieve any pain that you are experiencing as well as get your spine back into alignment and improve your posture.

Your chiropractor will also likely talk to you about stretching exercises and things you can do at home in between appointments. They may discuss sleep positions, diet, work area adjustments, exercise, and weight loss. Chiropractic is a whole body treatment, addressing lifestyle changes that affect the entire body and getting it into optimal working order as a whole.

If you have poor posture you can change it, even if you are an older adult – or a senior. Often simple chiropractic adjustments can help improve posture within just a few sessions. Once your body is in alignment you will feel more energetic, healthier, and happier. Your body is an intricate machine and when one part isn’t functioning as it should, it affects all the other parts. Chiropractic can turn that around, helping your body function more effectively so you feel better.

Check out our website @ or give our clinic a call @ 7809-455-2112 to book your assessment today.