Manual Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic technique that not only promotes relaxation but also has powerful detoxification effects on the body. This specialized hands-on technique focuses on stimulating the lymphatic system, which plays a vital role in eliminating toxins and waste from our bodies.

Detoxification System

The lymphatic system is responsible for carrying waste, toxins, and excess fluids away from the tissues and toward the bloodstream for elimination. However, unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have a pump (like the heart) to move lymph fluid throughout the body. The flow of lymphatic fluid relies on muscle contractions, breathing, and external stimuli such as massage to keep it moving efficiently.

During a manual lymphatic drainage session, a trained therapist uses gentle, rhythmic strokes and light pressure to stimulate the lymphatic vessels and encourage the proper flow and drainage of lymph fluid. This stimulation helps to remove stagnant lymphatic fluid, allowing fresh, oxygenated fluid to enter the tissues. By doing so, manual lymphatic drainage aids in the elimination of toxins and waste, leading to a deep detoxification effect on the body.

Key detoxification benefits of manual lymphatic drainage:

1. Removal of toxins:

The gentle movements and pressure applied during manual lymphatic drainage stimulate the lymphatic vessels, promoting the effective removal of toxins and waste products from the tissues. This can help cleanse the body on a cellular level and support overall detoxification.

2. Improved digestion:

Manual lymphatic drainage can improve digestion by stimulating the lymphatic system, which plays a role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. By promoting healthy lymphatic flow, this hands on technique can help optimize digestion and reduce symptoms like bloating and constipation.

3. Reduced fluid retention:

Fluid retention, often characterized by swelling and puffiness in various parts of the body, can be a sign of a congested lymphatic system. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to eliminate excess fluid by improving lymphatic circulation and reducing fluid buildup in tissues.

4. Enhanced immune function:

The lymphatic system is a crucial component of our immune system, responsible for filtering and eliminating pathogens, toxins, and abnormal cells. By stimulating lymphatic flow, manual lymphatic drainage can strengthen the immune response and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

5. Overall rejuvenation:

In addition to its detoxification effects, manual lymphatic drainage promotes relaxation and stress reduction. By reducing stress, the body is better equipped to detoxify and regenerate, improving overall vitality and well-being.

It’s important to note that while manual lymphatic drainage can be highly effective in promoting detoxification, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cancer, congestive heart failure, renal disease, or active infections, should consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing lymphatic drainage massage.

Manual lymphatic drainag offers significant detoxification benefits by stimulating the lymphatic system and promoting the elimination of toxins and waste from the body. By improving lymphatic flow, this specialized hands on technique supports overall wellness, improves digestion, reduces fluid retention, boosts the immune system, and enhances our body’s natural detoxification processes. Incorporating manual lymphatic drainage into your wellness routine can be a valuable tool for achieving and maintaining optimal health.

To learn more about manual lymphatic drainage in our office click here. To book an appointment click here or call 780-455-2112

Lower Back Pain chiropractic benefits

How Chiropractic Can Improve Your Sleep

Most people know that a chiropractor can help with musculoskeletal problems, such as backaches and slipped discs, but many people do not realize that chiropractic can do much more. In fact, chiropractic can even improve your sleep.

Getting enough quality sleep each night is good for your health. Not getting enough sleep can increase your risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other serious conditions, according to Harvard Medical School.

But what if you allow yourself plenty of time but still have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

Chiropractic can help you sleep. In fact, one-third of people who undergo chiropractic adjustment report sleeping better immediately, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

3 Ways Chiropractic Might Improve Your Sleep

1. Pain relief

Pain can prevent you from getting a decent night’s sleep, especially if you have chronic pain that lasts for three or more months. In fact, one study shows that 20 percent of people with chronic pain experience at least one symptom of insomnia, compared with only 7.4 percent of people without chronic pain. Chiropractic can alleviate pain associated with backaches, headaches, whiplash, migraines and more to help you get the sleep you need.

Chiropractic can also help you sleep by providing a drug-free approach to pain relief. Many prescription pain relievers, such as those containing morphine, oxycodone and opioids, can make you drowsy throughout the day. Daytime drowsiness might cause you to take naps throughout the day, which can interfere with your ability to sleep at night. The drug-free approach of chiropractic allows you to stay alert all day and sleep well at night.

Extensive research presented by the National Institutes of Health shows that chiropractic is as effective as other treatments, such as drugs, at relieving pain. Perhaps the best part of chiropractic is that the research shows that the pain relief lasts up to 18 months of treatment – which means you can remain pain-free without using drugs for a year and a half.

2. Relieves muscle tension and stress

Stress can prevent you from falling asleep or sleeping well. Stress can also cause uncomfortable muscle tension that interferes with sleep. The National Sleep Foundation lists muscle tension as one of the three signs that you are under too much stress to sleep. Tension and poor sleep can be a vicious cycle, as tension can cause poor sleep and poor sleep can cause tension.

Chiropractic often includes massage to melt away painful muscle spasms. These therapeutic massages are relaxing, which helps you unwind enough to fall asleep. Chiropractic also stimulates blood flow, which helps bring oxygen to your brain and other parts of your body.

Your chiropractor may also be able to suggest gentle exercises, stretches and relaxation techniques to help you relax tense muscles and quiet your stressed-out mind.

3. Suggested sleeping positions

Your chiropractor may offer suggestions on sleeping positions and other ideas about how you can sleep better. Your chiropractor may discourage you from sleeping on your stomach if you are having back pain, for example, or be able to recommend a particular pillow or mattress to help you sleep better at night.

For more information on how chiropractic can improve your sleep, talk with your chiropractor.  Check out our website @ to learn more about our office. You may start sleeping better as soon as your first visit.

How to Take Care of Your Posture While Working From Home

More people are working from home than ever before. While there are definitely some advantages that come from such an arrangement, there are also some challenges. One of those challenges is maintaining good posture. Your workplace likely had a variety of measures in place to encourage good posture and reduce strain at your desk – but most people don’t have the same resources at home.

Here are a few ways you can help your posture and your overall health while working from home.

Working from Home? Simple Ways to Protect Your Posture

1. Stretching

There are numerous muscles and soft tissues supporting the spine – and your entire skeletal system, for that matter. Those muscles can become tight and tense as you spend time at your desk. If they become tight enough, they can pull your spine out of alignment and leave you feeling worse for wear. Fortunately, you can do some occasional stretches to help relieve some of the tension.

A quick search online will show you numerous stretches, but a few you can consider include:

  • Child’s Pose. Begin on hands and knees. Push your hips back over your calves and stretch your arms out in front of your body. Relax your head on the ground and take five to ten deep breaths.
  • Standing Forward Fold. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and exhale as you fold forward at the hips. Bend your elbows and grasp each elbow with a hand. Pull your shoulders up to lengthen your neck. Relax here and breathe deeply five to ten times.

2. Use a standup desk.

If you have one available or can construct one, a standup desk can do a lot to help you maintain good posture. Standing is not only good for your overall health, but it also makes it easier to keep your spine aligned. You already know how to stand straight, which is generally an improvement over the slouch that tends to develop at your desk.

If you don’t have access to a standing desk, at least get up every half hour or so and walk around for a few minutes. The walking and standing will help to reset your spinal alignment.

3. Eat a healthy diet.

It may seem weird to focus on your diet when considering postural correction, but you’d be surprised just how much of an impact your diet has on your spinal health. Proper nutrition – including plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins – is necessary to rebuild your joints as they wear down each day through use. It helps increase circulation as well. Your back will be healthier if you eat a nutritious diet.

4. Stay hydrated.

Here is another tip you might not have been expecting. Sufficient hydration is necessary to get nutrition to your discs and to keep them hydrated. They need to be hydrated to provide the cushioning necessary to protect your spine and keep you mobile. You can get hydration from most liquids, but your best bet is still water. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day to stay hydrated. You may find it easier to get your water in if you purchase a reusable water bottle and keep it with you as you go about your day to day tasks.

Contact Us to Learn More About Posture and Spinal Health

You deserve a healthy spine. We are here to help you get what you deserve. To learn more about our office check out our website here.  Call 780-455-2112 to contact our us to learn more about how we can help you with postural issues and other joint issues through chiropractic care. We look forward to hearing from you!

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

High-Intensity Interval Training

How Chiropractic Keeps Spinal Joints Healthy

Healthy joints have obvious benefits, including aiding in movement, keeping you flexible and allowing you to stay active. The health of some of your joints is readily apparent—you only have to bend your knees, ankles, elbows or wrists to see how they are functioning at any given moment. But there are some joints in your body that are even more important, although you may not be as aware of them. The joints in your spine, where each vertebra connects to another, are vital to the normal, healthy function of your body. Without healthy spinal joints, you can expect pain and loss of mobility, among other unpleasant symptoms.

Fortunately, keeping your spinal joints healthy is made much easier with regular chiropractic care. Periodic visits to your chiropractor will help you keep your spine operating as well as it possibly can, year in and year out!

Ways that Chiropractic Aids Spinal Joint Health

1. Increasing circulation.

Stiffness in the spine can be caused by a variety of issues, including trauma and degenerative disc disease. While chiropractic cannot prevent the wear and tear that life often brings, it can do a lot to heal that damage. One way that adjustments aid in healing is by increasing circulation to your spinal discs and surrounding tissues. Increased circulation brings in healthy nutrients and removes undesirable material, making it possible for your spine to heal more thoroughly than without good circulation.

2. Reducing or eliminating pain.

Back pain can make living a normal life difficult if not impossible. Depending on the frequency and severity of the pain, you may find yourself unable to do many of the things you once enjoyed. Even if you do not lose mobility, back pain can distract and upset you every time it shows up.

The pain in your back can most likely be alleviated through chiropractic care. By returning your spine to proper alignment, your chiropractor can ease pressure on the nerves in your back and encourage muscles and other soft tissue to release. Over time spinal adjustments can greatly reduce or even eliminate back pain, which will help you stay active and improve the health of your spinal joints.

3. Increasing mobility.

Pain in your spine and/or neck is usually accompanied by a loss of mobility. Your muscles may seize up in an effort to protect your spine, which can make it impossible to move normally. Even if you are not suffering from muscle spasms, consistent back and neck pain can make you hesitant to move in ways that will trigger pain. Over time, the lack of movement can cause the body to stiffen and weaken. The longer this goes on, the less likely you are to get the physical activity you need to keep your joints mobile and your body strong.

Chiropractic adjustments are capable of breaking up the stiffness that holds you back. By returning your spine to proper alignment, circulation is increased, pain is decreased, muscles release and mobility returns. It can take time to get back to the way you want to be, but it is time well spent.

Joint Health Requires Consistency

The best way to keep your spinal joints healthy over the long-term is to make regular visits to your chiropractor while also maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Every individual is different, which is why it is important to get customized treatment from your chiropractor. By establishing a relationship with your chiropractor, you can ensure that you are always on the right track for spinal joint health.

Check out our website @ Or contact us today @ 780-952-2312 to schedule an appointment with our team.