5 Ways Massage Can Help Improve Health
Stress and tension have become such a big part of every individual’s life and it seems to be deteriorating their mental health. However, there are ways to get rid of stress in the most comfortable way.
If you are suffering from everyday stress, your go-to solution to relieve stress should be getting a massage. It comes with numerous health benefits along with relaxation. Massage therapy should become a part of every individual’s healthcare regime as it will give them a break from life, unwind, and relax.
Here’s how massage can add to your overall health and wellbeing:
1. Makes Blood Circulation Better
Sitting in the same position for long hours leads to postural stress. Lack of stretching or walking can be a result of poor blood circulation. This then leads to a weak immune system and bad digestion. Blood circulation gets better when you add massage to your routine as it will give you energy and release muscular stress. Although exercise is recommended, massages have proven to be the best way of stimulating blood flow in your body. They also improve the immune function and digestion.
2. Fight Depression and Anxiety
Massage therapy is also referred to as the “art of touching.” A single human touch can change perceptions and give the relaxation one needs after a long, tiring day. Massage stimulates the release of happy hormones to in your body, which calms the pathways of neuromuscular activities. This causes a significant decrease in anxiety and depression amongst people. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry revealed that individuals who get regular massages are less anxious and depressed compared to others who don’t.
3. Better Sleep
When blood circulation gets better and muscle tension is released, an individual feels relaxed and calmer. This allows the sleep cycle to improve and gives the person a better perspective on things. A good massage will allow you to go to sleep with a clear mind and enjoy a deep, sound sleep.
Fun fact: If infants are massaged before sleeping, they will sleep longer and better.
4. Strong Immune System
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine revealed that people who get regular massages have stronger immune function. Stress causes your body to be prone to diseases and viruses. Therefore, an individual should work on strengthening their immune system. Massaging helps lessen the stress hormones that are present in your bloodstream. It causes the activity of white blood cells to increase, which leads to a strong body defense and a healthier perspective on life.
5. Get Rid of Headaches
Having a long-term headache can possibly make an individual dysfunctional. When you are suffering from a severe headache, your first instinct is to apply pressure on the area that is hurting. A therapeutic massage will allow the pain to ease along with a positive and clear mindset.
Visit www.ocwc.ca to learn more about our registered therapists and to book your appointment online!