
Muscle relaxants chiropractic

Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Better Than Muscle Relaxants

Nearly everyone, more than 80 percent of the world’s population, will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Just ask the 31 million Americans suffering from low back pain at any given time.

In fact, globally it is the leading cause of disability. It is the most common reason that people miss work and the second more common reason for doctor’s office visits. In the United States alone more than $50 billion is spent each year trying to relieve back pain, but even that figure is not complete, but only based on trackable, identifiable costs.

There have been studies published over the years that unequivocally show chiropractic as a viable and extremely effective treatment for back pain. Several of these studies plainly show that chiropractic is better than muscle relaxants.

Chiropractic Study

One study that is one of the most notable was conducted at Life University in Georgia. It has been cited in several journals and used as a catalyst for proving the efficacy of chiropractic treatment for back pain and its superiority to muscle relaxants.

Study Parameters

The study involved 192 subjects who had been experiencing lower back pain for a period of time ranging from two to six weeks. The subjects were separated into three groups:

  • Group One – Chiropractic adjustments combined with placebo medication
  • Group Two – Muscle relaxants combined with sham chiropractic adjustments
  • Group Three – Control Group – received both placebo medication and sham chiropractic adjustments

All groups were given the same length of care. Four weeks, with an evaluation of progress at the two-week mark and the four-week mark. The pain was assessed using the Zung Self-Rating for Depression scale, the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire, and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Upon admission into the study during the initial visit as well as at the two-week evaluation. Shober’s Test for Lumbar Flexibility was also administered.

The subjects in all three groups were also allowed to take acetaminophen for pain. This was an additional evaluative measure to assess the need for additional self-medication.

During the course of the study there was a two-week treatment period where the subjects in the chiropractic adjustment group received a total of seven adjustments. These adjustments were tailored to each patient’s specific needs and included pelvic adjustments, sacral (lower back), or lumbar and upper cervical (neck and back).

The sham treatments mimicked all aspects of an actual chiropractic adjustment including dialog, normal visit length, and procedures. However, no actual adjustments were performed.

Study Results

At the conclusion of the study, the subjects who received chiropractic treatment reported a significant decrease in pain and an increase in flexibility. There were no significant differences noted of the groups that did not receive chiropractic treatment. There was a decrease in disability and depression across all three groups. This indicated that muscle relaxants are effective in treating back pain. However, chiropractic care is the more effective option for treating back pain and disability.

What does this mean for Patients with Back Pain?

Patients suffering from back pain can receive greater relief without the undesirable side effects of muscle relaxants by seeking chiropractic care. Persons who are using muscle relaxants to treat their back pain should talk to their chiropractor and doctor about incorporating chiropractic treatment into their patient care regimen. Patients experiencing back pain should pursue chiropractic care before resorting to more aggressive methods including muscle relaxants.

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment for back pain. It also facilitates healing, increases flexibility, and improves mobility. Patients who are looking for a healthy treatment option that focuses on overall wellness, Chiropractic could be the answer.

Give us a call at (780)455-2112 to schedule your appointment with one of our wellness chiropractors!

Foot Chiropractic orthotics

Foot Dysfunction: How Overpronation & Oversupination Cause Chronic Back Pain

The human body is an intricate machine and everything is connected so when something goes wrong in one area, it can cause problems in other areas. The back carries a lot of the stress in the body so when there is a problem with the hips, knees, or feet, the back can bear at least some of the brunt of the pain and other effects.

This is particularly true with foot problems. When the mechanics of the foot are off it can throw off the alignment of the entire body. Overpronation and oversupination in the foot can lead to serious and chronic back pain.

What is Pronation and Overpronation?

Pronation describes the way that the foot rolls inward during its normal motion. The foot rolls inward, flattening out, as the heel’s outer edge strikes the ground.

In order for the foot to function properly there must be a significant degree of pronation. However, excessive pronation, or over pronation, can cause injury and damage to the foot and ankle. It causes the arch in the foot to flatten and the ligaments, tendons, and muscles under the foot overstretch.

What is Supination and Oversupination

Supination describes the way the foot rolls outward during its normal motion. It occurs during the push off part of the gait, particularly when running, when the heel lifts. The heel leaves the ground and the motion carries through as weight is transferred to the forefront and toes. It moves the body in a forward direction.

When there is excessive supination, or oversupination, it strains the tendons and muscles that provide stabilization for the ankle. This can cause the ankle to roll, causing injury to the ankle including sprain, a torn tendon, or ligament rupture.

Conditions and Injuries Caused by Overpronation and Oversupination

Overpronation and oversupination can cause a variety of injuries and conditions that affect not only the feet and ankles, but also the knees, hips, and back as well. Some of the more common injuries and conditions include:

  • Flat feet or posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
  • Ankle sprains
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Arch pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Corns
  • Shin splints
  • Heel pain
  • Tight calves
  • Calluses
  • Knee pain
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Hip pain
  • Tight hip flexors
  • Back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Herniated disks

How Foot Problems can Cause Back Pain

Problems with the foot can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment.

For instance, overpronation of the foot causes a series of internal changes that extend up through the leg. The femur may rotate causing hip pain and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint which leads to back pain. Other misalignments in the body that are caused by foot problems can also lead to chronic lower back pain as well.

Chiropractic to Treat Foot Problems

Chiropractic seeks to find the cause of the conditions it is used to treat, including pain, instead of just treating symptoms. Because of this, the chiropractor will work to find the cause of the pain, in this case overpronation and oversupination, and correct it – or the effects of the condition – in addition to treating the pack pain.

Typically, overpronation and oversupination are caused by muscle imbalances in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. This can be caused by improper shoes, misalignment in the body, and other issues. The chiropractor will work with the patient to find the cause of the foot problem so that can be corrected, then work to correct the damage or injury that has been done.

Call (780)455-2112 to schedule your assessment today. Our staff is happy to help!

Occupational Injuries Chiropractic benefits

Injured at Work? How Chiropractic Can Help Some Occupational Injuries

In 2014, there were 2.8 million occupational injuries. This crossed all industries, but 75 percent were in those that provided a service.

These injuries can lead to time lost at work, decrease in production, depression, and temporary (or permanent) disability. These injuries can be caused by slip and fall, vehicle collisions, electrocution, struck by hazards, and caught in or between accidents. However, work related injury can also be caused by sitting at a desk or hunched over a computer for extended periods of time. Chiropractic has been shown to help workers who have been injured on the job, so they can return to work faster.

Common Occupational Injuries

Occupational injuries are vast and varied with a host of causes and many different symptoms. They can range from minor annoyances to significant damage that can lead to temporary or permanent disability. Some may require surgery while others require extended physical therapy, braces, and intensive medical treatments.

  • Thoracic outlet syndrome – This injury is caused by flexing the shoulder, carrying loads on your shoulders, and extending your arms above shoulder height for a prolonged period of time. It is marked by swelling, pain, dull ache, weakness, or a burning sensation in the affected area.
  • Elbow tendonitis (Epicondylitis) – This injury is caused by forceful or repeated forearm rotation while simultaneously bending the wrist. It is marked by swelling, dull ache, pain, burning, and weakness in the affected area.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome – This injury can be caused by several things including vibratory tools, repetitive motion, and secondary factors. It is marked by numbness, pain, tingling, wasting of muscles at the thumb base, and burning.
  • DeQuervain’s disease – This injury is caused by forceful gripping and repetitive hand twisting. It is marked by pain at the thumb base.
  • Tendonitis/tenosynovitis – This injury is caused by sustained hyperextension of the knee, repetitive motion, and prolonged load overuse. It is marked by numbness, pain, and swelling in the hands.
  • Back and neck pain – This injury can have a wide variety of causes from repetitive motion to accident to improper equipment. It is the most common work related injury.

Preventing Workplace Injuries

While a few work related injuries are unavoidable, many can be prevented with a little extra attention and care. The American Chiropractic Association recommends the following practices to reduce the risk of a workplace injury.

  • Get regular exercise. This helps prevent back injuries by keeping your body strong, fit, and flexible.
  • If you do desk work, get a chair that fits you. This means that there should be two inches between the backs of your knees and the front edge of the seat. Your knees should be level with your hips or slightly below, never higher.
  • When doing computer work, use a foot rest for support and keep your knees between a 90 degree and 120-degree angle.
  • If your job requires you to sit for extended periods of time, take breaks at least every two hours to walk and stretch.
  • When you lift something heavy or awkward, don’t bend over to do it. Bend at your knees and hips, squatting as you pick up the object and let your legs do the work and keeping the object close to your body while your back remains straight. Do not let your body twist while you are trying to lift.

Of course, you should also follow all recommended and required safety guidelines for your workstation and place of employment.

Chiropractic for Workplace Injuries

Chiropractic care can help speed your recovery, improve your posture, and restore your mobility and strength. Through various chiropractic techniques, many of the occupational injuries listed here can be effectively treated. Chiropractic is a proven method for managing pain for the back and neck, but it has also been proven to be very beneficial for conditions like carpal tunnel, elbow tendonitis, and knee injuries.

Chiropractic’s whole body approach helps injured workers not only manage their pain and help heal their injury through adjustments, it can also help with soft tissue rehabilitation and other noninvasive therapies that improve range of motion. In short, chiropractic can help workers get back to work faster so less time is lost from work and the financial impact is greatly decreased.

If you or someone close to you have been injured at work and would like to schedule an assessment, give us a call at (780)455-2112. Visit to learn more about our clinic.

facet syndrome pain

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain From Facet Syndrome

Facet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are many treatments that are used, but most mainstream medical treatments involve pain medication which can have undesirable side effects and may even lead to addiction.

Chiropractic is a proven, reliable treatment for relieving the pain and discomfort of facet syndrome. It helps restore mobility and flexibility while providing pain relief. Some patient notice significant relief from the pain and inflammation of this condition with chiropractic treatment and it is often recommended to facet syndrome patients.

What is facet syndrome?

Facet syndrome is the result of an injury to the facet joints. Zygapophyseal joints, or facet joints reside at the posterior of the spine. At each level there are two joints, one on each side of the spine.

The facet joints are enclosed in a joint capsule. They are synovial joints so the capsule contains synovial fluid. The surface of the joints is covered with hyaline cartilage.

Other joints, such as the ankle, contain this type of cartilage covering. These joints are constructed in this way due to their role in the body – to control excessive or extensive movement. This would include hyper extension and rotation. By doing so they help to stabilize the spine.

Facet syndrome occurs when there is an injury to the facet joints. There are numerous causes, but basically, it is a sprain that is brought about by excessive movement.

This damages the joint capsule and the result is inflammation, swelling, and pain. The pain triggers a protective mechanism in the spine called a reactive muscle spasm which causes great difficulty in moving comfortable and severe, sudden pain.

It is difficult to rest the back because of its integral function in supporting the entire body. A severe sprain can take weeks to heal, typically 2 to 6 weeks. This means that the pain and lack of mobility is impacting you on a daily basis. It can be very difficult to pursue day to day activities and enjoy your typical lifestyle.

Chiropractic for facet syndrome

Chiropractic care is a proven, effective treatment for facet syndrome. When you visit your chiropractor, he or she will conduct a physical exam, discuss your medical history, and may send you for diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Once they have a clear picture of your condition and a facet syndrome diagnosis has been confirmed, they will discuss with you a recommended course of treatment that may include:

  • Exercise – they will recommend specific exercises to help relieve the pain and strengthen the muscles in the back so that they can better support the spine.
  • Posture – posture is extremely important in spinal health and overall wellness. Your chiropractor will help you achieve good, healthy posture and give you exercises to do at home to help you maintain good posture and retrain your body to have better posture.
  • Heat or cold therapy – heat wraps and hot showers or ice packs and cold pad applications may be recommended to help control pain.
  • Changes in activities – you may be advised to take frequent breaks if you sit at a desk all day or to shorten your commute. There may be some activities that you won’t be able to do for a while – or won’t be able to do for long periods of time until your back heals.
  • Chiropractic treatment – spinal manipulation is the most common chiropractic treatment for facet syndrome. Your chiropractor may include other types of treatments though, depending on your specific condition and lifestyle.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and drug free way to treat facet syndrome, relieve back pain, and help you regain your mobility. Talk to your chiropractor about your treatment options for facet syndrome.

If you or someone you know might be suffering from severe back pain, give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 and our staff will be happy to help. Visit for more information about us!

4 Ways Chiropractic Care Helps Patients Suffering from Maignes Syndrome

Back pain is a daily issue for millions of Americans, with a variety of medial issues being the culprit. The results of lower back pain on the economy as a whole are far reaching, from tons of lost work time to enormous medical costs. Maignes Syndrome is estimated to be the cause of a great deal of the instances of lower back pain.

Never heard of it? Lucky for you because those who are diagnosed with Maignes Syndrome suffer from pain that sometimes lasts for weeks or even months, and can become quite severe. Discomfort is increased sometimes when the patient twists his torso, or lifts a heavy object.

What is Maignes syndrome?

Also called Thoracolumbar Junction Syndrome, Maignes Syndrome is a spinal disorder that is located in the nerves in the upper lumbar region of the back, causing pain to radiate along the nerves from the site. This spinal condition creates difficult to diagnose symptoms, since it often results in pain in a different part of the body than the actual source. It is believed this "condition exists because of the facet joint issues at the junction between the middle spine and lower spine.". The pain from Maignes Syndrome usually shows up in the hip, lower back, or groin.

If you are experiencing lower back pain, you may suffer from Maignes Syndrome. Schedule a chiropractic visit as soon as possible, because a chiropractor benefits Maignes Syndrome sufferers in four important ways.

Chiropractors can…

…help correctly diagnose it. Unfortunately, the nature of the pain and location of the condition frequently cause Maignes Syndrome to be misdiagnosed. Sacroiliac joint pain is sometimes the diagnosis they receive, which hinders proper treatment. For this reason, the patient needs to make certain they are working with an experienced chiropractor who understands the subtle differences of the two conditions.

…adjust the area where the issue originates. In order to minimize the symptoms of the condition, a chiropractor can administer adjustments on and around the area causing the issue, the thoracolumbar facet joints. Aligning this area correctly, and loosening the area that may have become tight from overcompensation, assists in relieving pain from Maignes Syndrome.

…offer at home exercises to help with healing. Fortunately, there are exercises that can aid Maignes Syndrome, both in loosening the tightness of the afflicted area, and building up the surrounding muscle strength so the body can compensate for the issue. A chiropractor who understands this spinal condition can walk you through a step-by-step exercise regimen of the types of exercises that will help your body adapt to and heal from Maignes Syndrome.

…promote your body’s ability to heal itself. Chiropractic care is a broad-based approach to the body’s inner function and balance. Experienced chiropractors understand that all parts fit together for overall health. A patient with Maignes Syndrome benefits from chiropractic care because of this.

Your chiropractor will make a series of adjustments that help the nervous system work at optimum capacity, which promotes healing to the entire body. Attacking Maignes Syndrome directly at the site and through the body as a whole promotes faster healing and increased mobility.

Individuals with Maignes Syndrome unfortunately face an uphill battle that begins with being correctly diagnosed. The complexity of the spinal condition is the primary reason to seek a professional chiropractor’s opinion at the first sign of ongoing lower back pain. Once Maignes Syndrome is correctly pinpointed, the chiropractor will be able to design an in-house and at-home blend of treatment options to minimize your healing time and achieve a pain-free, fully functioning back.

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Sacroiliac Joint Pain

How can a body part you have probably never heard of hurt so BAD? This is a common question we hear from individuals suffering from sacroiliac joint pain.

The joint is formed by the sacrum and the ilium where they meet on either side of the lower back, with the purpose of connecting the spine to the pelvis. This small joint is one of the most durable parts of the human body, and it is responsible for a big job.

The unassuming little sacroiliac joint withstands the pressure of the upper body’s weight pushing down on it, as well as pressure from the pelvis. It’s basically the cushion between the torso and the legs. As such, it handles force from pretty much every angle.

While immensely strong and durable, this joint is not indestructible. Sacroiliac joint pain usually crops up as lower back pain, or pain in the legs or buttocks.

Weakness in these areas may also be present. The typical culprits in causing the sacroiliac joint to exhibit pain are traumatic injuries to the lower back, but more frequently develops over a longer period of time.

Sacroiliac joint pain is often misdiagnosed as soft tissue issues instead of the joint itself. Doctors may rule out other medical conditions before settling on a diagnosis that includes a sacroiliac joint problem.

If you have suffered an injury, a degenerative disease, or otherwise damaged the sacroiliac joint, there are treatments available to help manage pain, promote healing, and lessen the chances of recurrence. Here are a four helpful guidelines to assist in effectively handling sacroiliac joint pain.

First, rest and ice the area. Avoid exaggerated movements of your lower back in order to relieve some of the body’s pressure on the sacroiliac joint. Also apply ice wrapped in a towel periodically to soothe the area and minimize the pain.

A second way to handle sacroiliac pain is with therapeutic massage. Tightness around the joint is a common cause of discomfort and pain. Professional massage serves to loosen and relax the lower back, buttocks, and leg areas, offering relief from pain.

Third, consider chiropractic and seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractic treatment, known as adjustments, not only provides great options for pain relief but also helps promote the healing process of this joint.

A chiropractor is specifically trained to guide you through several phases of care. They don’t focus just on pain relief but are primarily interested in helping you fix the problem.

They’re also very well trained in rehabilitation of the spine. This approach will help loosen the muscles surrounding the joint as well as strengthen them. This will decrease the risk of pain returning down the road.

Finally, in very rare cases, doctors will choose to apply an injection to the area to alleviate pain and inflamed tissue. Obviously, the injection won’t fix the problem but may give the patient relief temporarily. Surgery is rarely a viable option.

If you show symptoms of sacroiliac pain, it’s important to see a Doctor of Chiropractic so he or she can perform tests to correctly diagnose your condition. It could very well be another type of lower back problem. So quit suffering and give us a call!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome with Chiropractic Care

A small muscle located deep in the buttocks, the piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg outwards. Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks. Causing pain and tenderness and sometimes numbness in the buttocks, piriformis syndrome pain may also radiate down the sufferer’s leg, and in some cases, even into the calf.

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5 Key Ways Expectant Mothers Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy is an exciting, precious time in a woman’s life, full of new experiences. Unfortunately, the baby’s development brings about bodily changes that often wreak havoc on the back and joints, and end up causing pain. These issues also frequently cause issues during delivery, and increase the time it takes for the body to recover post-pregnancy.

Expectant moms benefit from chiropractic care in a number of ways. Here are five key ways chiropractic care helps alleviate the toll pregnancy takes on a woman’s body.

#1: Chiropractic keeps the spine in alignment.

Pregnancy adds significant additional weight to a woman’s body in a short amount of time. This change bears on the spine, frequently pulling it out of alignment.

When this happens, the pain can be quite severe. Chiropractic care during pregnancy works to keep the spine in alignment and all supporting tendons working optimally, to be better prepared and able to adequately support the extra weight.

#2: Chiropractic reduces need for pain relievers.

Most times, individuals experiencing moderate pain pop a couple of over the counter pain relievers and think nothing of it. However, pregnant women strive to avoid medications when possible.

Chiropractic adjustments decrease the underlying issues that cause pain, so the patient relies less on medications. Experiencing less pain as well as eliminating the need for pain killers is a win-win situation for expectant mothers.

#3: Chiropractic strengthens and repairs joints.

Pregnancy really beats up an expectant mothers joints. Chiropractic care for expectant mothers is a productive way to minimize the effect the large, protruding abdomen has on her hips, legs, and ankles.

Treating the body as a whole, chiropractic treatment works to strengthen the body and promotes healing of injured or strained areas.

#4: Chiropractic increases the body’s ability to bounce back.

Let’s face it, every pregnant woman thinks “will I ever fit in the clingy red dress again?” The healthier and stronger a woman’s body is before and during pregnancy, the easier it is to get back into shape once the baby is born. Eating right and safely exercising are effective ways to accomplish this.

Chiropractic care is also a valuable component to fitness. Expectant mothers who choose chiropractic enjoy better posture, less pain, and increased mobility, especially late in the third trimester.

This allows them to maintain exercise routines and be active longer than those suffering from back pain and achy joints. After the delivery, it’s easier to get back into a fitness routine, and into that red dress, if the new mother’s joints, back, and hips are aligned and functioning properly.

Chiropractic care can serve to reduce pain letting the expectant mother relax and focus on the more pleasant aspects of pregnancy. Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic offers a variety of services to support expectant mothers through their pregnancy. Give our office a call at 780-455-2112 to book an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractors.

How Golfers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Does this sound familiar?

It’s a warm sunny day with a bit of a breeze, you are on the back nine about to sink a putt. When you swing, your back seizes up with severe pain. The beautiful day of golf turns into painfully riding in the golf cart back to the clubhouse, and you limping painfully to your car.

If you have ever strained your back during a golf game, you are not alone. It’s estimated of the 30 million golfers in the United States, 80% have experienced some sort of back pain. As fun as it is, swinging at golf balls puts an individual’s body in an awkward position, opening up the opportunity for injury.

While some golfers suffer through the pain by popping over-the-counter medications, others back away from playing as often, or stop altogether. There’s another way to combat back injuries caused by golfing, without meds. It’s not a magic wand, it’s chiropractic care!

Golfers are increasingly finding chiropractic care to be a valuable tool to help them deal with back injuries. Here are FORE! ways chiropractors can help injured golfers get off the couch and back on the green.

Consistent adjustments can avoid injuries in the first place.

Golfing, or any activity, is more enjoyable and causes less chance of injury if an individual’s body is in top condition and operating normally. Periodic spinal adjustments keep the body functioning at maximum capacity, and reduce the chances of being injured. If the neck and back are aligned correctly, awkward positioning such as a golf swing will have a less negative impact.

Chiropractic treatment can reduce a golfer’s pain.

Back injuries can be extremely painful, and many turn to pain medications to gain relief and comfort. By treating the origin of the pain instead of just the symptoms, a chiropractor helps their patients manage the pain through manipulations, instead of drugs. Over the course of a few treatments, pain is often drastically diminished and much more manageable.

A golf injury can heal quicker with chiropractic care.

Injuries to the back or neck can heal faster when chiropractors treat them than on their own. An experienced chiropractor can adjust the spine, and also work on the joints and surrounding tissue that can cause pain and hinder healing. Chiropractic evaluation considers the body as a whole. By treating the entire body, it promotes quicker healing of the injury.

Increased mobility can be gained with chiropractic visits.

Golfers who play often as well as those who only play a few times a year know mobility is essential to a good golf game. Stiff joints and a weak back not only mess with the golf game, but can be the very issues that end up causing an injury.

A chiropractic treatment schedule keeps the body loose and strong, and working in optimum fashion. This prevents injuries and increases the chances of playing the game of your life.

Golfers need to realize the sport can cause serious injuries just like "rougher" sports like football and rugby. It’s a good idea to stretch before playing, stay hydrated, and avoid overexertion.

If you are a golfer, chiropractic care is a valuable tool in staying healthy. Regular adjustments and manipulations keep your body on track and performing with maximum mobility at the top of your game. If you do suffer an injury, a chiropractor can help you manage your pain and decrease the time it takes to heal.

Contact us today @ 780-455-2112 for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers, and promote healing.

What Chiropractic Patients Need to Know About Sitting While Working

It’s no big secret that exercise is good for you. Many articles and books have been written and studies completed on the subject of physical fitness. However, lately it’s been discussed as to whether that five mile run or spin class is really enough. Is our work environment undoing any positive effort we put into staying healthy?

The short answer is YES. Human bodies were not built to sit for long periods of time. Our twenty-first century workplace — working behind a desk, typing on the computer, endless video conferences — unfortunately stacks against us to keep us on our… well, not our feet.

There are four harmful results on a person’s body that stem from sitting at work.

Sitting for many hours each day takes a toll on our backs.

Working at a desk for many hours a day causes employees to stay in one position for an extended length of time. This puts a great deal of pressure on their backs. Over time, painful back problems can develop and, if left untreated, continue to worsen.

Sitting also takes a toll on our waistline.

Obesity is at an all time high in Canada and at least a good chunk of the reason is our sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for a long period (8 or more hours a day) decreases our metabolism, causing us to burn fewer calories. The time at our desks can end up packing on the pounds.

Sitting can increase the chance of developing a life-threatening disease.

Studies show individuals with sedentary jobs have more health problems than their active counterparts. Cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes are both examples of health issues that arise more often in people who regularly sit down most of the day.

Sitting can cause premature death.

This may sound melodramatic, but it’s true. As we talked about above, sitting for prolonged periods of time puts you at greater risk of diseases that may end up killing you. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, "found people who sat for over 11 hours a day had a 40% greater risk of dying within three years from any cause than people who sat less than 4 hours a day."

So, what should a sedentary office person do to improve their health and decrease the risk many hours of daily sitting causes?

  • Get on your feet! Schedule times during the day to stand up and walk around. If you can’t remember to do it, add an alarm on your cell phone. Even a couple minutes on your feet every hour will help balance prolonged sitting.
  • Learn to sit correctly. If you must sit, make certain your chair isn’t causing more damage. Select a chair that is height and angle adjustable. The seat should support your lower body, and the back should fit the curves of your spine. Special bonus points go to chairs with lumbar support and that rock.
  • Visit your chiropractor. Back problems brought on by a job behind a desk are not going to magically go away, and can get worse over time. Make a chiropractor appointment, get examined, and work to correct the issue.
  • Invest in a standing desk. A growing trend is to turn a sitting job into a standing job. Desks that are taller have the ability to keep you on your feet longer, which will provide many health benefits in the long run.

Good health is one of our greatest assets, and it pays to protect it. By understanding the risks of a sedentary working environment, we can be proactive in increasing activity and promoting our individual fitness.

If you or a loved one needs more insight on how chiropractic can guide you toward a healthier lifestyle, give us a call @ 780-455-2112. We’re here to help!