Whiplash Chiropractic collision

How Low Speed Rear-end Accidents Can Cause Whiplash

You are sitting in your car, stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, a vehicle rear ends your car. The impact isn’t hard although it is unexpected. You take a look at your car and see that there is minor damage, or no damage at all, to either vehicle. The bumpers absorbed the bulk of the energy from the crash so they essentially protected the car. You feel a little pain in your neck and upper back, perhaps a little dizzy or you have a headache, but you shrug it off, reasoning that it is from the unexpected jolt. After all, they didn’t hit you that hard. You exchange information with the other driver and go on your way.

The next morning is a different story. Your neck is painful and stiff. You have pain in your shoulders and back as well. A visit to the doctor reveals a diagnosis of whiplash.

Is Whiplash Real?

Some people will tell you that whiplash is a made-up injury that people use to get more money in a settlement stemming from an accident. They do not believe it is possible in a low speed rear end accident and see it as a legitimate injury claim, mainly because there are no visible marks.

Some insurance experts claim that about a third of whiplash cases are fraudulent but that leaves two-thirds of the cases legitimate. There is also a great deal of research that supports the claim that low speed accidents can indeed cause whiplash – and it is very, very real. Some patients suffer from the pain and immobility the rest of their lives.

The Mechanics of Whiplash

When a person is sitting in their vehicle they are usually upright with their head directly over their shoulders, and the neck as the support. The key to whiplash is that it is unexpected. When the vehicle is struck, the torso of the person in the first car is thrust forward. However, the head does not immediately follow but instead falls backwards, behind the torso for a split second. In this position the neck is hyperextended for the first time (to the rear).

As the torso snaps back against the back of the seat, the person’s head falls forward but is quickly yanked back as it follows the movement of the torso – then passes it. This is the second time the neck is hyperextended (to the front). The effects of this movement that lasts only a few seconds can cause debilitating pain and immobility. It is compounded when the headrests are set too far back and are too low so that they do not provide adequate support.

What to do if you are in a Rear End Collision

If you are in an accident, especially if you are rear ended, and experience whiplash, see a doctor that day – even if you don’t feel much pain. The sooner you get in to a doctor, the sooner you can begin treatment should a problem develop.

Often, people with whiplash don’t experience any effects until a day, or even two, later. The key is to stay ahead of the pain and take measures sooner rather than later to relieve it and keep it at bay. It also provides documentation should other issues arise and you need the information for legal purposes.

Seeing your chiropractor soon after your accident can help you heal faster and manage your pain more effectively. With techniques like gentle manipulation and deep tissue massage, your neck can begin to heal almost immediately. Then you can get back to life a lot faster.

If you or someone you know has been in a rear- end collision and is suffering from whiplash, give our office a call to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced chiropractic doctors! (780)455-2112 or www.ocwc.ca to learn more about our clinic.

Cervical facet chiropractic benefits

What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About Cervical Facet Joint Pain

Facet joint problems are among the most common sources of lower back and neck pain. They can cause debilitating, chronic problems with the neck and back and can lead to other more serious conditions and symptoms that can be disabling.

Cervical facet joint syndrome, or cervical facet osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition marked by stiffness and pain in the cervical region (neck) of the spine. Patients are able to gain relief from various types of treatment, including chiropractic care.

What is Cervical Facet Joint Pain?

The spine is comprised of a chain of bones known as vertebrae. Each one has two facet joints on the back side and a large disc on the front side. This allows the vertebrae to stack neatly, one on top of the other, providing stabilization for the entire body.

The facet joints are synovial joints, like other joints in the body and sometimes they can become inflamed or injured, causing pain and stiffness. Cervical facet joint pain is, quite literally, a pain in the neck. It means that the joints in the neck area have become injured or inflamed. Pain from this condition can make it difficult for the patient to turn their head from side to side, or to move it up and down.

The cervical facet joints are almost always working. They undergo repetitive, constant motion and over time they can become torn or worn down. Problems within the joint can cause movement to be restricted or it can have too much movement, both of which can cause pain.

Injury, such as whiplash, to the area can also cause problems. If the condition is not treated appropriately, it can be degenerative and the patient can lose both flexibility and mobility, as well as suffer from chronic pain.

Symptoms of Cervical Facet Joint Pain

The symptoms of cervical facet joint pain tend to vary from patient to patient. A patient may experience one or several of these symptoms:

  • Tingling, weakness, or pain in the hand and arm
  • Neck pain
  • Upper back pain that can affect the shoulders
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Headaches, typically located in the back of the head
  • Swelling and tenderness at the site of the inflamed facet joint
  • Decreased range of motion and flexibility in the neck

Treatment for Cervical Facet Joint Pain

When a patient is diagnosed with cervical facet joint pain the treatment is usually fairly conservative. Their doctor may recommend soft tissue massage, physical therapy, and posture correction. This is usually combined with medications such as an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen, or muscle relaxers to ease muscle spasms in the muscles that surround the affected joint.

If those methods do not give the patient relief, the doctor may take a more aggressive approach, prescribing facet joint injections that use steroid medications injected into the affected joint. This approach is intended to keep the pain localized while reducing it. The procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting and has a good record of being effective, but the results are temporary.

Chiropractic for Cervical Facet Joint Pain

Chiropractors have had much success in treating cervical facet joint pain. They are able to manipulate the areas that are affected, restoring painful, restricted facet joints to a point where they are able to move much easier and without pain. Over time, with regular chiropractic treatments, they can help to reestablish a normal range of motion in the neck area for their patients. This is all done without any medications or injections. It is a natural, gently, effective method for relieving the pain and helping the patient enjoy a better quality of life.

Our clinic can be reached at (780)455-2112. Give us a call to schedule your chiropractic assessment and address any questions or concerns. We’re happy to help!

Movement chiropractic work place

4 Ways to Incorporate Movement Into Your Workplace

If you sit behind a desk all day with little or no activity, you could be compromising your physical health, mental health, and brain health which could impact your productivity at work. From a physical standpoint, it isn’t healthy to remain in one position for too long. It can lead to various health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Experts advise getting up and walking around every hour or so or do exercises at your desk.

Healthy brain function can also be impacted by inactivity. If you sit at work without moving for long periods of time your brain could suffer. The lack of activity could cause it to enter into a state of slumber which can lead to a decrease in brain processing speed and short term memory loss.

It can also impact a person’s ability to learn or retain new information. This is why it is so important to create an organizational culture that encourages movement as part of their workday.

There are four areas where you can incorporate movement into your own workplace: policies, places, people, and permission.


Create written policies that encourage and advocate movement during work hours. Incorporate moving workstations, moving meetings, flexible scheduling, more breaks when meetings run long, and a movement friendly dress code.

Provide information and training to all employees and leadership underlining the importance of the policies and explaining the importance of movement as well as what they can do to support the initiative.


Create workspaces that are conducive to movement, adjusting workstations so that they encourage active movement and incorporating active movement into current processes and workflows while minimizing the time employees spend sitting.

Seek out software and applications that encourage users to stretch or get up and move while they are working. Make stairwells more accessible and appealing, improve common areas, and encourage collaboration that requires moving to various workstations or common areas.


Identify employees who are good role models for movement and train them for leadership roles so that they can encourage other employees to make movement a part of their work day. Train them in the policies regarding movement and task them with helping to create a culture of health and movement within the organization.

Organize groups to walk during breaks or meet in common areas for light stretching and other types of movement. Sponsor contests and competitions with prizes for employees who achieve set goals.


Educate all employees and all levels or management or leadership on the benefits of movement and how it can positively impact personal production and performance as well as organizational outcomes. Stress that moving during the work day should become a normal activity and must be welcomed and allowed. Emphasize that it is the task of all employees to make a culture of movement the norm as opposed to the exception.

The benefits of bringing movement into the workplace extends far beyond healthier employees and increased production. Employees perceive themselves as valuable to the organization and morale is increased. This improves employee engagement on the job and they invest more into their work as opposed to just doing a job. They are happier, empowered, and more productive at work and take more of an active role in business outcomes as well as their own health.

Of course, employees will also enjoy individual benefits such as increased blood flow, as well as improved problem solving, better alertness, and enhanced creativity. A workplace that incorporates movement into its culture is a healthier, happier place to work with healthier, happier employees. You can’t afford to not implement this simple, effective strategy into your own organizational culture.

Visit www.ocwc.ca for more health and wellness tips! Call us at (780)455-2112 to schedule an assessment.

pro athletes Chiropractic Benefits

3 Ways Pro Athletes Benefit From Chiropractic… & So Can You!

Chiropractic care is a respected, effective treatment for a variety of conditions as well as for promoting overall wellness. Every day patients seek it out manage their pain, find relief from health issues, and recover from injuries.

What many may not realize is that an estimated 90 percent of top athletes use chiropractic to step up their game. You don’t have to be an athlete to step up your own game with chiropractic care. Here are three benefits that the pros enjoy – and you can too!

Chiropractic is an effective treatment for pain management.

Chiropractic has long been regarded as a natural, non-invasive, drug free approach to pain management. Numerous studies have proven its effectiveness in treating pain for a number of conditions and injuries. Many pro athletes utilize this option to manage their own pain from over taxed muscles and ligaments to activity related injuries.

When the spine not properly aligned it can put pressure or stress on other areas of the body. Spinal adjustments can help relieve pain in ligaments, joints, discs, and muscles. However, chiropractic techniques can be used on all parts of the body, including arms, hands, fingers, feet, hips, and knees.

Chiropractic helps in preventing injury and enhancing performance.

Doctors of Chiropractic understand that when it comes to treatment, there is not a one size fits all option. Every patient is different and they will tailor a custom plan that benefits the entire body based on lifestyle, activity level, age, health conditions, and other factors.

The first appointment will include a variety of evaluations that help the doctor determine the best course of treatment for you, including the activities you engage in and the frequency. This way he or she can get an idea of your risk of injury and the areas to concentrate on in your treatment. So, whether you are a pro football player or a weekend warrior, chiropractic can definitely improve your performance and help protect you from injury.

Chiropractic helps in treating many types of injuries.

For pro athletes, injuries are just part of the game. High impact sports like hockey, football, and wrestling tend to result in injuries, but even non-contact sports like baseball, cycling, and golf can lead to injuries as well.

Low impact as well as low impact athletes find great value in routine adjustments and spinal alignments. This alone helps to lower their risk of injury as well as improve flexibility and enhance performance. It can help reduce the stress and strain that all types of physical activity places on the body, whether you are a pro golfer or football player, or if you enjoy working in your garden or are a stay at home mom running after kids all day.

Some of the top names in pro sports rely on chiropractic to treat injuries, manage pain, and enhance athletic performance. You might recognize some of the names: Barry Bonds, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Evander Holyfield, Tiger Woods, Joe Montana, and Martina Navratilova are just a few. You don’t have to be an athlete, though, to reap the same benefits that the pros do. You can get them by scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care is a safe, effective healthcare option that is appropriate for all ages and activity levels. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will sit down with you and work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Because this type of treatment focuses on the root of the problem instead of just managing symptoms, your own treatment plan will usually involve not only adjustments and chiropractic techniques, but dietary recommendations, exercises, and lifestyle modifications as well so that you enjoy whole body wellness.

Give our clinic a call to schedule your assessment today! Visit www.ocwc.ca for more health and wellness information.

Health Ergonomics working posture

4 Health Benefits of Working Upright

Sitting at a desk for extended periods of time is not healthy and can lead to a host of health problems. As more and more studies show the detriments of prolonged sitting, some companies are taking action to protect their employees’ health by installing upright work stations. These desks take the person from a seated position and move them into one where they are leaning. As a result, most of the workers are enjoying several health benefits.

It facilitates healthy postural transitions

Simply put, postural transitions are the body movements made when changing positions. There are large movements like going from sitting to standing, standing to leaning, and standing to sitting, but also small movements like adjusting arm placement or moving a foot.

Ergonomists suggest that a person should be making postural transitions several time an hour. They also recommend that people avoid any static position such as standing, sitting, or leaning for an extended period of time, instead advocating a transition or movement every 20 minutes when possible.

Static positioning has been linked to obesity, heart disease, and other health conditions. When the body is positioned in such a way that facilitates healthy movement, the body moves more often and in a more natural way. This is not likely to happen with static positioning, especially prolonged sitting.

It improves spine health

Sitting or standing for long periods of time is not good for the spine. When a person stands or sits without any healthy postural transitions the spine can begin to compact and the discs become hard. This undermines the spines ability to adequately support the body, leading to loss of mobility, decreased flexibility, and pain.

The spine is made up of small bones, vertebrae, which are cushioned by spongy, fluid filled discs. In a healthy spine, the discs are filled with fluid providing a good cushion for the vertebrae as they move and support the body. However, the discs need movement to encourage blood flow so they can continue working as they should. Working upright facilitates those movements, thus decreasing the likelihood of spinal problems.

It discourages painful posture

Standing and sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause pain and certain mobility problems. While they share some pain points, each brings its own problems. A strained neck and stiff, sore shoulders are often associated with sitting and standing, usually due to improper computer monitor placement. Poor leg circulation, tight hips, and lower back pain are also common problems of people who do a lot of standing or sitting on their jobs.

Using an upright workstation moves the body into a more natural, healthier posture that encourages natural, frequent movement. The spine is properly aligned over the hips, the hips are open, and the feet are adequately supported. It promotes posture that is completely contrary to being hunched over a desk – the typical posture for a sitting workstation.

It keeps core muscles engaged

When in a seated position, the core muscles are mostly lax and rarely engaged. Over time, these muscles can actually be trained to become weak, or lazy and not engage as they should. This means that they stop supporting the back and body which leads to poor posture, loss of balance, lack of mobility, decrease in flexibility, and pain.

Working upright encourages micro movements that engage the core. It’s not like crunches at the gym, but more like an ongoing mini-workout that keeps the core muscles toned and supportive. The results are a healthier spine, fewer gastrointestinal problems, better posture, and improved circulation.

Other health benefits of working upright include a decreased risk of certain cancers like colon cancer and breast cancer, improved circulation, better brain function, and a decreased risk of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Working upright is the most natural position for the body’s best function and health.

Visit www.ocwc.ca for more helpful health and wellness information and tips! Give us a call at (780)455-2112 to start your wellness journey today.

Smartphones Spine

How Smartphones Are Killing Our Spines & What To Do About It

It’s no secret that almost everyone has a smartphone. In fact, a series of surveys by The Pew Institute in 2015 showed that 64% of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind. They keep us connected, offer us flexibility, and provide us with access to endless information.

They have their drawbacks. Smartphones also do a number on your spine.

Frequently hunching over your phone, texting, surfing, or reading takes a toll on your spine in numerous ways.


According to spine surgeon Kenneth Hansraj, looking down at your smartphone exerts up to 60 pounds of pressure on your head. This is serious wear and tear, and can set you up to be a prime candidate for degenerative issues.


The motion of texting or surfing the net on your smartphone can cause tightness in your shoulders, and pain radiating down your arms into your wrists and hands. Too many hours spent on your device can also cause upper and lower back pain.

Muscle spasms

Over time, your smartphone usage may damage your upper back to the point you begin dealing with muscle spasms, often attributed to “text neck.

Instead of woefully shutting you beloved smartphone in a drawer, vowing to never use it again, realize there are ways to keep your phone and a healthy spine intact. You just need to take a few simple precautions. Here are four ways to prevent spinal issues from smartphone usage, and handle the ones you may already have.

#1: Be aware of your posture.

A few small changes to the way you use your smartphone can be the difference in ensuring your spine, neck, and back don’t end up suffering. Bring your phone up in front of your face, instead of leaning your head over and bending your neck to see your screen. This will keep the pressure off your neck, and minimize issues that could result.

#2: Take breaks.

Get off that phone, there’s a whole world out there! Avoid the temptation of keeping your nose stuck in your phone for an hour or more. Keep your surfing and texting to a few minutes at a time. Lay down your phone, stand up, or simply look around at your surroundings every few minutes. Frequent breaks give your spine a chance to relax, and relieve the pressure of bending your neck for a long period.

#3: Practice stretching.

Get in the habit of stretching your neck, raising your arms, rolling your shoulders, and twisting your back at the waste. These easy stretches are a quick way to loosen up body parts that can tighten up and cause injury over time.

#4: Visit a chiropractor.

If you begin noticing pain, spasms, or irritation in your neck, shoulders, or back that lingers, make an appointment with a professional chiropractor. Explain when the pain occurred, the severity, and the activity that started it. You may only require a simple adjustment to get re-aligned and gain relief from pain caused by overuse of your smartphone. A good chiropractor can also help decrease the chances of the injury worsening over time.

Nary a one of us are going to swear off our smartphones because of pain. However, by following these tips, improving our posture, and taking frequent breaks to stretch, we will be able to minimize the impact our phone obsession has on our spine. If you overdo it, make sure you get to an experienced chiropractor for an adjustment, so the issue is kept to a minimum.

Visit www.ocwc.ca to learn more about our clinic or call (780)455-2112 to schedule your chiropractic adjustment. Our staff will be happy to help!

TMJ Chiropractic

How Upper Neck Misalignments Are Related To TMJ Dysfunction

The temporomandibular joints, TMJ, are the lower jaw hinges that sit on either side of the head in front of each ear. They are responsible for the lower jaw opening, closing, sliding, and rotating. The TMJs are the most body’s most complex joints. The typical person uses them more than 5,000 times a day by talking, laughing, yawning, chewing, eating, smiling, and swallowing.

What is TMJ Dysfunction?

TMJ dysfunction occurs when one or both joints become inflamed or injured causing pain and immobility in the jaw area. Because these joints are used so often and tend to be far more mobile than most other joints in the body, they can be prone to pain.

It is important that both joints work together because if they don’t it could result in more pressure on one joint than the other and this could cause the pain and discomfort that is associated with TMJ dysfunction.

What are the symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction?

There are many symptoms of TMJ dysfunction and they may vary depending on the patient, the extent of inflammation or injury, and the cause of the dysfunction. The symptoms may appear suddenly when there is injury to the joint, or they can gradually develop over a period of months or even years. They may be mild and barely noticeable or they can be severe and debilitating. The most common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Jaw pain when moving the joint such as chewing or talking
  • Popping or clicking of the joint
  • Pain in the face or side of the neck
  • Locking jaw
  • Headaches
  • Toothache
  • Earache
  • Clogged or “stopped up” ear
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

TMJ dysfunction can significantly impact a person’s quality of life because the pain prevents them from doing many things they normally do, and often the jaw itself simply no longer functions as it should.

What causes TMJ Dysfunction?

Damage to the joint is the primary cause of pain associated with TMJ dysfunction. This can be the result of trauma such as:

  • Dental work
  • Sports injury
  • Getting punched or hit
  • Car accident
  • Slip and fall accident

Subtle movements done repetitively can also cause TMJ dysfunction:

  • Grinding teeth
  • Holding a phone between the head and shoulder
  • Clenching teeth
  • Nail biting
  • Gum chewing (excessive)
  • Eating hard or tough foods

How can upper neck misalignment cause TMJ dysfunction?

When the upper neck sustains trauma such as whiplash it can cause a misalignment. This can also cause TMJ dysfunction in a couple of ways. It can cause one side to work harder or sustain more pressure than the other, or it can put excess pressure on the trigeminal nerve. This causes irritation and inflammation.

When left untreated, the condition can become severe. The misalignment keeps the joints from working as they should because opening and closing the jaw pinches the disc. This results in painful spasms in the shoulder and neck muscles when the patient does simple, everyday activities like talking, smiling, eating, or laughing.

Chiropractic for TMJ dysfunction

Chiropractic can be a very effective treatment for TMJ dysfunction, especially if it is due to neck misalignment. A chiropractor will perform spinal adjustments in order to realign the spine and neck, bringing the body back into balance. This will allow the jaw to work as it should, minimizing rubbing or friction in the joint.

The patient may also be told to apply heat, massage, and do special exercises for TMJ dysfunction that will help the joints heal and help to minimize the pain.

TMJ dysfunction is not always easy to diagnose so it is wise to talk to your chiropractor and get a diagnosis before attempting any treatment or home remedies for TMJ. Regular chiropractic treatment can not only relieve the pain of TMJ and help to heal it, it can also help prevent it. Your chiropractor can be a great ally in this endeavor.

Call (780)455-2112 to schedule your chiropractic assessment today! Visit www.ocwc.ca to learn more about our doctors.

Piriformis Chiropractic Stretches

4 Easy Stretches that Alleviate Piriformis Syndrome Pain

Root canals. Kidney stones. Piriformis syndrome.

These are all ailments that are painful and no fun! Piriformis syndrome especially is a pain, in, well, the butt.

Seriously, people suffering from Piriformis syndrome have frequent and sometimes severe pain and numbness through the buttocks and down their legs. This occurs when the Piriformis muscle spasms. When this happens, it can end up also aggravating the sciatic nerve, which compounds the pain with tingling and numbness.

The Piriformis is a short, small muscle deep inside our hips, and helps rotate our legs both outward and inward. Because of its proximity to the sciatic nerve, this little body part can cause big problems, and hinder our ability to run, or even walk, through our daily activities with ease.

Fortunately, there are a variety of exercises that help stretch and relax the Piriformis muscle, giving sufferers much-needed relief from the pain and numbness it causes. If you are dealing with Piriformis syndrome, try these stretches to get yourself back on your feet and moving, pain-free.

The “Knee Up” Stretch

Lie on the floor, use a mat or thick rug for comfort, on your back. Stretch both legs out, with your arms to your sides. Bend one of your legs at the knee and use your hand to pull it toward the opposite shoulder Hold for ten to thirty seconds. Straighten out that leg, and then do the same motion with the opposite leg and shoulder.

The “Cross Arm” Stretch

Arrange yourself in a sitting position. The bottoms of your feet should be touching each other, with your arms crossed and your hands resting on the opposite leg. Push both knees down toward the floor until you feel the stretch inside your thighs. Hold the position for a count of 30, then relax for a few seconds and repeat up to five more times.

The “Standing” Stretch

This is a handy exercise you can do in the bathroom at work, in a hotel, or anywhere that you would rather not lie on the floor.

Begin in a standing position with both feet flat on the floor, with your feet a shoulder-length apart.  Don’t lock your knees, and keep your back straight. Lift one knee up and grasp it with both hands. Make sure you keep the knee parallel to the corresponding hip. Use your hands to pull your knee toward the opposite shoulder until you feel a pull along the side of your buttocks. Hold up to one minute, or as long as you can balance. Repeat the action with the other leg. Try to do it three times for each leg.

The “Sit and Bend” Stretch

This is another convenient exercise that doesn’t require getting on the floor. Choose a solid, straight-backed chair that doesn’t roll, sit, and bring one leg across the other, resting your ankle on your other leg. Slowly lean forward until you feel a pull along the crossed leg. Hold for up to 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg, stretching each side 3 times.

Remember that consistency is key. Perform these exercises at least once a day, every day, until your pain and numbness is gone.

These four simple exercises help you make great strides in recovering from Piriformis syndrome. However, if you perform these for several days and still have pain, or experience pain while attempting the stretches, it is a good idea to make an appointment with a professional chiropractor. He or she will be able to evaluate your condition and offer a comprehensive treatment plan to treat the Piriformis so it doesn’t get worse, or cause additional issues with your sciatic nerve.

Visit www.ocwc.ca for more health and wellness tips and information!

Rest Chiropractic Spine Health

How Proper Rest Helps Restore Spinal Health

You try to do all the right things when it comes to taking care of your spine. You lift the right way, exercise, practice good posture, stretch, drink plenty of water, and take frequent breaks to walk around if you are seated for an extended period of time. Those are all excellent habits to keep, but there is something else that you should be doing – and it is one of the most overlooked and undervalued health practices. Rest.

Running on Empty: The Silent Epidemic

Stress can do severe damage to your emotional and mental health, but it can also hurt your body as well. Many people carry stress in their lower backs which means that when stress goes up it can result in lower back pain. It can also make you more sensitive to pain.

It is estimated that 66 percent of all doctor visits have a stress related component. What’s more, 50 percent of people who suffer from stress rate it as moderate to high. We live in a culture that makes it commonplace to run on empty. The problem with that is sooner or later you are going to crash and your body will bear the brunt.

Rest is important for helping you alleviate and manage stress, but recent studies show that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. There is another reason to get your seven to nine hours in, though, that is directly related to spinal health.

What Rest can do for you Spinal Health

When you rest you give your body time to replenish depleted stores of energy. Adequate sleep improves your immune function, memory, metabolism, learning, and healing. You will be more alert, happier, and have more energy. It is also very beneficial is you are trying to lose weight.

Excess weight can put pressure on your spine and cause it to curve, causing back pain. This is especially true if you carry your weight in your abdomen. That extra weight in the front pulls your spine into a sway back curve making it painful to stand for long periods of time.

When you lay down and rest you allow your entire spine, associated muscles, and other parts of your body to rejuvenate and relax. You probably don’t realize it, but your muscles in your back and abdomen work all day to keep your body properly supported. Even when sitting there are muscles engaged. Laying down allows all of those muscles to finally relax.

Rest also allows your spinal discs to rehydrate. The spine is made up of fluid filled discs that sit between the vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you go about your day, thanks to gravity, your discs become compressed. This compression causes the disc to lose fluid (which is about 88 percent water). This can cause pain if the discs are not properly rehydrated – and that is a two-step process of drinking adequate water and getting enough rest.

Drinking water will put the fluids into your body, but as long as you are upright, the compression will continue. Laying down to go to sleep takes that pressure off of your spine so there is no compression and the body can naturally rehydrate the discs. A few hours here and there is not really effective because it does not give the body enough time to do its job. This means that you need to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Along with all the other great, healthy reasons to get a good night’s sleep, you now have one more to add to the list. A healthy spine will keep you standing tall and help keep you mobile, It is important to do all you can to take care of it.

Give our clinic a call at (780)455-2112 to schedule your spinal assessment with one of our doctors of chiropractic. Visit www.ocwc.ca to learn more!