
Cervical Spine Anatomy

Anatomy 101 – The Cervical Spine: What Chiropractic Patients Need to Know

Neck pain is one of the most common sources of pain and chronic pain worldwide. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, each year, around 30% to 50% of the general population experiences neck pain and around 15% will, at some point in their lives, have chronic neck pain. Women seem to experience it more often than men and it is most prevalent at around middle age. Neck pain can be debilitating, impacting a person’s home life as well as their work performance. It can also trigger migraines and limit range of motion. Understanding the cervical spine is integral in understanding how to manage pain in that area.

What is the Cervical Spine?

There are seven vertebrae that make up the cervical spine: C1 through C7. They protect the spinal cord and are part of the system that makes up the neck.

C1 is located at the base of the skull and C7 sits at the beginning of the thoracic spine. While C1 is the smallest vertebrae, each subsequent one is slightly larger as you move down the spine. This is necessary because the farther down the spine, the more weight it must bear.

The vertebrae C3 through C6 are called “typical vertebrae.” Like other vertebrae in the spine, they have a similar construction. The top vertebrae, C1 and C2 are “atypical vertebrae.” Their construction is somewhat different from typical vertebrae due to their specialized function and location.

The atlas, C1, is the only vertebrae that has more of a ring shape than a shape resembling a vertebra. It is what connects the skull to the spine and is responsible for about half of the head’s backward and forward range of motion.

The axis, C2, is the second vertebra and has a special construction that connects it to C1 at the atlanto-axial joint. It is responsible for around half of the head’s rotation. The vertebra prominens, C7, is much larger than the vertebrae that sit above it and its shape is different to facilitate its connection to T1, at the beginning of the thoracic spine.

Neck Pain

The cervical spine has several critical functions. It houses the spinal cord and protects it, supports the head and facilitates its movement, and facilitates the flow of blood to the brain.

The human head is around 10 to 13 pounds and the cervical spine, along with an intricate network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments support it. This is what also allow flexibility to the head so that it can move up and down, backwards and forwards, rotational, and side bending. This job alone puts a great deal of stress on the neck and can lead to neck pain. Common causes of neck pain include:

  • Whiplash (whipping the head forwards and then backwards very suddenly)
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Pinched nerve
  • Age related conditions
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Sleeping in certain positions
  • Neck strain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Keeping the neck in one position too long, such as looking down at a mobile device
  • Herniated disc
  • Neck injury
  • Fibromyalgia

Chiropractic Care for the Cervical Spine

A chiropractor will typically treat a patient with neck pain using cervical spinal manipulation, cervical spinal mobilization, or a combination of the two techniques. Cervical spinal manipulation is what most people think of regarding chiropractic treatment. It involves brief, quick thrusts that focus on a single joint at a time so that range of motion is returned to that area. Cervical spinal mobilization is a gentler, lower impact adjustment that does not use as much force but does move the joint to its correct position.

Other treatments the chiropractor may employ include the application of cold or heat, massage, and exercises to strengthen and stretch the neck. The doctor will carefully consider the patient, their lifestyle, habits, and current level of fitness then create a plan that is tailored specifically for them that will help them manage their pain and return flexibility and range of motion as quickly as possible.

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Cervicalgia chiropractic benefits

What Is Cervicalgia & Can Chiropractic Help?

Have you ever had a pain in the neck? And your kids or significant other don’t count. If you’ve ever had a stiff, sore neck then you’ve more than likely experienced cervicalgia. You’re not alone. The American Osteopathic Association estimates that more than 25% of Americans have experienced or chronically experience neck pain. In fact, neck pain is one of the primary causes of chronic pain, ranking number three behind knee pain (number two) and back pain (number one). Chronic pain affects around 65% of people in the United States, ranging in age from 18 to 34. They either have experienced it firsthand or care for someone who has recently experienced it. That number increases as the population ages.

It is also worth noting that most doctors prescribe pain medications but more than 33% of patients with chronic pain won’t take them because they are afraid of becoming addicted.

What is Cervicalgia?

Cervicalgia is a blanket term used to describe neck pain. It can range from a simple “crick in the neck” to severe pain that prevents you from turning your head.

Knowing the term for the pain, though, does not help when it comes to treatment because treatment lies in the cause of the pain. It can become quite complex because there are so many causes for the pain. Sometimes the cause itself must be eliminated before the treatments for the pain can be effective.

What are the Causes of Cervicalgia?

The causes of cervicalgia are vast and varied. A patient who sits at their desk for too long or sleeps in a poor position can develop neck pain.

Injuries such as sports injuries and whiplash fall at the more severe end of the spectrum. Even simple gravity can be a culprit.

The human head can weigh as much as 10 pounds, sometimes even more and the neck is tasked with keeping it upright. Just the action of fighting gravity and keeping the head erect for long periods of time (like all day) can cause the neck muscles to become strained and fatigued. This can also cause neck injuries to heal slower because the neck is almost constantly in use and under consistent stress.

How is Cervicalgia Treated?

Treatment for cervicalgia depends on both the symptoms and the cause. If you have been injured, you should seek medical attention immediately to assess the severity of the injury.

You can apply ice to help reduce inflammation and swelling, but do not delay a medical evaluation. Some neck injuries can be serious, causing very serious conditions including paralysis.

After assessment, your doctor may prescribe medication such as anti-inflammatories and stronger painkillers. A cervical collar may also be recommended since it allows the neck to rest which will promote healing.

If the pain is caused by other reasons such as stress, poor posture, or sleeping on the wrong pillow (in other words, you have a crick in your neck), you can use an over the counter anti-inflammatory medication and using a heating pad will help. Massage is also effective.

However, prevention is the best cure. When you know what is causing your cervicalgia, you can take steps to prevent it. Chiropractic can help both in preventing cervicalgia and in treating it.

Chiropractic for Cervicalgia

Chiropractic treatment can help relieve the pain from cervicalgia for many of the causes, including injury, stress, and misalignment. Depending on the cause, the chiropractor will use specific techniques to treat the root of the problem.

They will bring the body back into alignment which also helps to prevent the pain of cervicalgia. The most attractive aspect is that it allows for pain management without the use of any medications.

When you get regular chiropractic care, you can actually reduce your chances of experiencing pain in your neck and back. That is why so many people are choosing chiropractic care for their neck and back pain instead of turning to traditional medicine – because it works.

Give us a call at (780)455-2112 to schedule your chiropractic assessment with one of our wellness doctors! Visit to learn more about our clinic.

Cervical facet chiropractic benefits

What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About Cervical Facet Joint Pain

Facet joint problems are among the most common sources of lower back and neck pain. They can cause debilitating, chronic problems with the neck and back and can lead to other more serious conditions and symptoms that can be disabling.

Cervical facet joint syndrome, or cervical facet osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition marked by stiffness and pain in the cervical region (neck) of the spine. Patients are able to gain relief from various types of treatment, including chiropractic care.

What is Cervical Facet Joint Pain?

The spine is comprised of a chain of bones known as vertebrae. Each one has two facet joints on the back side and a large disc on the front side. This allows the vertebrae to stack neatly, one on top of the other, providing stabilization for the entire body.

The facet joints are synovial joints, like other joints in the body and sometimes they can become inflamed or injured, causing pain and stiffness. Cervical facet joint pain is, quite literally, a pain in the neck. It means that the joints in the neck area have become injured or inflamed. Pain from this condition can make it difficult for the patient to turn their head from side to side, or to move it up and down.

The cervical facet joints are almost always working. They undergo repetitive, constant motion and over time they can become torn or worn down. Problems within the joint can cause movement to be restricted or it can have too much movement, both of which can cause pain.

Injury, such as whiplash, to the area can also cause problems. If the condition is not treated appropriately, it can be degenerative and the patient can lose both flexibility and mobility, as well as suffer from chronic pain.

Symptoms of Cervical Facet Joint Pain

The symptoms of cervical facet joint pain tend to vary from patient to patient. A patient may experience one or several of these symptoms:

  • Tingling, weakness, or pain in the hand and arm
  • Neck pain
  • Upper back pain that can affect the shoulders
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Headaches, typically located in the back of the head
  • Swelling and tenderness at the site of the inflamed facet joint
  • Decreased range of motion and flexibility in the neck

Treatment for Cervical Facet Joint Pain

When a patient is diagnosed with cervical facet joint pain the treatment is usually fairly conservative. Their doctor may recommend soft tissue massage, physical therapy, and posture correction. This is usually combined with medications such as an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen, or muscle relaxers to ease muscle spasms in the muscles that surround the affected joint.

If those methods do not give the patient relief, the doctor may take a more aggressive approach, prescribing facet joint injections that use steroid medications injected into the affected joint. This approach is intended to keep the pain localized while reducing it. The procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting and has a good record of being effective, but the results are temporary.

Chiropractic for Cervical Facet Joint Pain

Chiropractors have had much success in treating cervical facet joint pain. They are able to manipulate the areas that are affected, restoring painful, restricted facet joints to a point where they are able to move much easier and without pain. Over time, with regular chiropractic treatments, they can help to reestablish a normal range of motion in the neck area for their patients. This is all done without any medications or injections. It is a natural, gently, effective method for relieving the pain and helping the patient enjoy a better quality of life.

Our clinic can be reached at (780)455-2112. Give us a call to schedule your chiropractic assessment and address any questions or concerns. We’re happy to help!