The Connection between Nerve Repair and Acupuncture
Nerve damage is an inconsistent and highly common problem that is present when there is long-term numbness, pain, lack of movement and similar conditions, depending on which nerves got affected. The most common method to fix nerve damage is through physiotherapy, electrical stimulation, surgery, and mostly medication. The downside to these treatments is that they do not have guaranteed results. Therefore, more and more doctors are using acupuncture as the cure to all types of nerve damage.
Classification of Nerve Damage
East Asian Medicine identifies nerve damaged based on the symptoms. The names of the classifications are given in accordance to what we see in nature. The most common kind of nerve damaged are:
1. Phlegm
This is when the damage leads to numbness and growth.
2. Cold
This is when the damage occurs seasonally. It comes with throbbing pain when the contraction between the muscle and sinew takes place.
3. Damp
This is when the damage results in severe and sharp pain, tingling sensations, quick exhaustion, and swelling.
4. Wind
The damage that occurs in muscles causes spasms, twitching, stiffness, and uncontrolled movement.
Types of Acupuncture Used
1. Electro-acupuncture
This is when there are electrodes placed on the needles. This therapy is used to cure lack of movement, stubborn pains, and severe pain sensation. This heavy treatment motivates nerve growth and helps stimulate nerves.
2. Moxabustion
This is heat-based therapy with the involvement of burning herbs. This is used to treat exhaustion, spasm, and inflammatory tingling sensations.
3. Plum Blossom Treatment
In this treatment, there is a promotion of sensory nerve re-growth in smaller areas of the body. It reduces pain that is caused because of febrile conditions or inflammations.
Proof that Acupuncture Helps Repair Nerves
Acupuncture is known as an effective method of repairing damaged nerves. Studies in the Neural Regeneration Research proved that acupuncture helped upper and lower limb motor nerves to mend. A test was done on patients who had electromyographic nerve damages to check if acupuncture would be effective on them. There was a positive response with 80% of the patients participating in the study.
Electromyography gives people the confirmation that acupuncture shows significant improvements in motor nerve conduction and promotes nerve repair all over the body.
The researchers of the study made a discovery. They found out that there is set of acupuncture points that resulted in good responses at a high rate. When local points where used, there was a 35% effective response. In addition, when the Du meridian points where added, there was an 80% effective response.
What is the Du meridian?
The Du meridian is a pathway that is made of 28 acupoints plus a few more. These points are located in the midline of the back under the spine where the vertebral functions occur. When acupuncture needles are inserted in the Du meridian points, conditions such are tremors, numbness, brain ailments, infertility and febrile diseases are cured.
Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular as many people are finding effective and long-term benefits with it. Oliver Chiropractic Wellness Clinic offers are range of services including acupuncture. Give our office a call @ 780-455-2112 to book your appointment today.
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