Release the Energy Within Via Acupuncture
Who knew that the insertion of needles in your skin could be the cure to so many internal problems? Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that aims to cure disease and prevents your body from suffering in the future. This act is done by inserting fine needles into specific points in the body, points known as acupoints. It is believed that these points are switches in the body that triggers action of the immune system, making it more resistant against disease.
Releasing the Qi
Chinese doctors of the sixteenth century used the expression “Qi’ to illustrate the energy which flows inside our bodies. What they believe is that the human body is an energy form, and illness is caused when there is a disruption in your Qi. Qi blockages or imbalances can wreak havoc. This is where acupuncture comes in.
Energy Highways (Meridian): Eastern Theory vs. Western Theory
The eastern theory states that when a needle is inserted into the energy centers of our bodies, a chain reaction begins. Accessing Qi, stimulates the blood circulation. When the blood and energy flow is at its optimum, energy highways are activated at the acupoints. All parts of the acupuncture meridian, body channels, and other channeling functions are stimulated when acupuncture needles are inserted at the acupoints.
Just ONE SINGLE acupoint can start an energy flow in the entire body. Sometimes, acupuncturists intentionally combine points so they can have the Qi moving in a certain direction. Their goal is to make the energy flow into the areas of the body that are weaker so there is an energetic balance inside the body.
The western theory states that when a needle enters the vascular areas of our body, it begins to do several things:
- It makes an immune response. For your body, the needle is a foreign object that is causing a minor injury to the tissues, so it activates the immune and circulatory functions. New blood is sent to the area where the needle has pricked. Cells begin to release energies that delay blood clotting. Did you know that the thinner your blood is, the better the flow?
- It helps with the production and maintenance of connective tissue and energy. In response to this, the cells release Adenosine triphosphate (ATP: organic chemical). ATP helps with several things inside the body including pain relief.
- Your body has an electrical system! Acupuncture enables the transport of tissues throughout your body. It assists in the healing process as it transfers materials and energies between the injured tissues and the normal ones to balance things out.
- It triggers the release of hormones in your brain. When an acupuncture needle is inserted into your body, it causes changes in your body functions and makes you stronger against the pain you may be feeling.
Are You Convinced?
You may fear acupuncture – but the fact is that it is one alternative treatment that has worked miracles. Science as well as traditional medicine has made their case for it. Now, it’s your turn to give it a try! Check out our clinic by visiting or give our office a call at 780-455-2112 to get started today.